Monitor Calibration software?

Can anyone recommend a monitor calibration software? Im looking for something not crazy expensive, just something that can get the job done.
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If you already have a colorimeter, ColorEyes Display Pro is software only.
If you do not have a colorimeter already, the Eye1D2 gets high regard, as does the Spyder3. I used a Spyder2 for several years.
The Hueys are cheaper, but get more mixed reviews, with some folks not finding success with them. Some folks seem to love them.
I have been using my Eye1D2 for the last year, and find good matches between my screen ( 30 in Apple Cinema Display ) and my prints from my Epson Stylus 3800, and my prints from EZ Prints or Bay Photo.
Amazon has the Eye1D2 with software for $200.00
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The EyeOne Display-2 with the right software option gets the job done. But next time, get a dedicated “smart monitor” with software and instrument designed from the group up for the task. This is also covered in the article referenced above.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Just a thought but - I've had good luck with calibration within Win7. It walks you through all the vital steps. Personally I can see no difference between it and my Huey Pro.
Version 2 works well provided you're not using a wide-gamut monitor. You might be able to pick up a used copy on Ebay or Craigslist for around $20!
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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