New Years hopes, goals and aspirations.
About this time of year everyone on forums starts going on about new years resoloutions.
I'm wondering what people's ambitions and goals are for next year and any new enterprises they are going to try.
I'm going to try and push more for pre-paid event work than the speculative I have been doing and also try and get a new avenue up and running in the Corporate sector.
I'll still be looking at the speculative work as well if I can't sell them on the prepaid concept but I'm going to be trying to get in with more indoor event centres that hold larger events where I have a better chance of a good return.
This won't require any different equipment to what I have already although I may bundle it together a bit different for transport purposes and I have done the work before but never pushed it as I'm now going to.
Over the holidays I'm going to try and put together some sort of half decent web sites, one as an advertising medium to bring in new clients as well as a referal/ infomation point and the other stricktly for info as the work I will get in that area will all be by direct contact or WOM. I'm also going to work on some marketing packages that I can fire off to potential clients, both those I want to refer me and packages for their customers.
While it was my intention ( on and off) to get away from the equine work I have been doing, I made a call last week to an association and we are now discussing me covering ALL their major championship events on a pre paid basis. This will involve travel all over the state but with upfront money, I think that will be very enjoyable.
I'll still look at a few of the bigger local events that have proven to be good in the past but the hope is the corporate work through the week will mean I can afford to be a lot more choosy with these things.
The other idea I miht give a run that I have had on the back burner for years is doing baby photography in hospitals. I have an idea for a slant on that and going by the bit of toe dipping and feedback I have got from the few people I have pitched it to, it may be a winner. The work process will be nothing, getting in with the hospitals will be quite something else I expect.
As far as equipment goes, the main thing will be a new 7 for the Mrs to shoot with, maybe a 100-400 and a new trailer or van.... or both! The more I look at trailers, the more I think the only way I'[ll get something that I want at a price I can afford is to build it myself which I think i'll enjoy.
So, what's everyone else planning, hoping and aiming for in 2011?
I'm wondering what people's ambitions and goals are for next year and any new enterprises they are going to try.
I'm going to try and push more for pre-paid event work than the speculative I have been doing and also try and get a new avenue up and running in the Corporate sector.
I'll still be looking at the speculative work as well if I can't sell them on the prepaid concept but I'm going to be trying to get in with more indoor event centres that hold larger events where I have a better chance of a good return.
This won't require any different equipment to what I have already although I may bundle it together a bit different for transport purposes and I have done the work before but never pushed it as I'm now going to.
Over the holidays I'm going to try and put together some sort of half decent web sites, one as an advertising medium to bring in new clients as well as a referal/ infomation point and the other stricktly for info as the work I will get in that area will all be by direct contact or WOM. I'm also going to work on some marketing packages that I can fire off to potential clients, both those I want to refer me and packages for their customers.
While it was my intention ( on and off) to get away from the equine work I have been doing, I made a call last week to an association and we are now discussing me covering ALL their major championship events on a pre paid basis. This will involve travel all over the state but with upfront money, I think that will be very enjoyable.
I'll still look at a few of the bigger local events that have proven to be good in the past but the hope is the corporate work through the week will mean I can afford to be a lot more choosy with these things.
The other idea I miht give a run that I have had on the back burner for years is doing baby photography in hospitals. I have an idea for a slant on that and going by the bit of toe dipping and feedback I have got from the few people I have pitched it to, it may be a winner. The work process will be nothing, getting in with the hospitals will be quite something else I expect.
As far as equipment goes, the main thing will be a new 7 for the Mrs to shoot with, maybe a 100-400 and a new trailer or van.... or both! The more I look at trailers, the more I think the only way I'[ll get something that I want at a price I can afford is to build it myself which I think i'll enjoy.
So, what's everyone else planning, hoping and aiming for in 2011?
Lets hope that's a goal your able to achieve without too much trouble!!
To make sure that the photo jobs I undertake in 2011 are both relatively enjoyable AND profitable.
To build my pre-paid event photography business.
Like Sam, to make it into the next year alive and vertical
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and successful New Year.
And Merry Christmas!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
In 2011 I hope to find a "real" publisher for my Blurb book. La collégiale de Neuchâtel, comme jamais vue,
To Make inroads into selling "tourist" items through the local tourist office.
To do a couple more gallery shows, enter more contests, sell more stock photography
To earn enough to justify the new Canon f/2.8 L 70-200mm IS USM II
1. Earn more than I spend.
2. Get an office or studio.
3. Book more weddings.
I need a laptop as well to do my processing on, but I don't know which number to stick it into
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator