Copyright law
I got some pictures from Hearst Castle and De Young museum. I took some of the artworks there (eg. scupltures, paintings). Is it legal to post the photos here in Smugmug and allow visitors to purchase it?
From the Hearst Castle web site at
From the de Young Museum Policies page at There is a PDF on that page with more details - including a permit application. Looks like you may need to do some more reading to figure out if you can show the photos you took at de Young; not a clear as the policy on the Hearst Castle site that indicates you can't even publish them without permission.
You should also take a look at the sticky Photographer's Resources: Law, Marketing, Supplies, etc. in the Mind your own business forum. There are many links in there to copyright law / information.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks, Denise. Just what I need.