search engine
today I realized what would make my site better navigable: a search engine.
i. e. a simple text input field that searches my website (not all of smugmug) for gallery titles, category titles and possibly metatags.
Do you know of any solution for this?
PS: my site is
i. e. a simple text input field that searches my website (not all of smugmug) for gallery titles, category titles and possibly metatags.
Do you know of any solution for this?
PS: my site is
The search box at the top of your site already does this. from the help page on search and browse :
"The search box, which is atop most pages, searches help pages when you're on a help page, all of SmugMug when you're on SmugMug's homepage, your SmugMug site when you're on your homepage, and the gallery you're viewing when you're viewing a gallery.
Both browse and search are made vastly more powerful and convenient for you and your admirers if you use keywords."
When you, or your visitors, are on your homepage, the search box will search your site.
err, there is no search box on my site. Is there some option to enable it?
I would like the search box to be permamantly visible, ideally right below the header area aligned to the right.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
that's great! thank you!