Light pollution
I was shooting some photos of our christmas tree and there seems to be this haze around all the close in photos of the ornaments, the only thing I can describe it as is light pollution. I tried adjusting the contrast and that helped a little but it is still noticeable.

I was thinking a polarizing filter would help, and if so, this may be the thing to finally make me get one. If not, is there any other ideas?

I was thinking a polarizing filter would help, and if so, this may be the thing to finally make me get one. If not, is there any other ideas?
I think the 5 second exposure is significant, and your choice of lens, may also play a role.
Try a much shorter exposure by raising the ISO, or the ambient light level - maybe try bouncing a pair of speedlights off the corners of the room to raise the ambient light.
I think a good prime lens will suffer with less halation than than the 18-200mm lens you used. I own and like that lens, and it is handy for walkaround. But it is not finest glass optically speaking.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Alright...What the H plugin do you have for FF? Mine tells me almost nothing compared to yours!
If you go to the OP's gallery and view the image there the Exif is more useful.
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
! Right ! Got it!
If you want a plugin for firefox that reads Exif easily and quickly I use "Exif Viewer" and all you have to do is right click on the image and choose "View image Exif data" and it pops up a window with the information about the camera and settings. I don't know why I thought it didn't work on this image before, I just tried it again and it did work.
Sorry for the Hijack, post the results if you do a re-shoot. I like nice tight shots of Christmas ornaments on trees, I always think they look great as Christmas cards.