External Hard Drive - routinely check health/bad sectors?

I do my processing on a Macbook and, out of necessity, my processed photos live on an external 1 TB drive. I clone the drive every 2 weeks to have a physical backup in case of drive failure. I have been wondering lately about the potential for bad sectors and other corruption issues. Figure if it were to happen on the drive, I likely would not know. The cloned drive is done as incremental backups so presumably it would hold intact copies. I was wondering if anyone runs a disk-check type program on their externals on a routine basis. And no, RAID is not an option :wink
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How come RAID is not an option? I am running a Lacie Big2 Quadra. It is a dual RAID system. Works with Mac or PC.
I've got the drives in externals and can't see spending the $200+ on a raid system right now.
The concern only came about when i started looking at 2 tb drives and read a number of comments about bad sectors showing up with <1 month use
My friend and I have also just had a very bad experience with synology's nas - 1 single bay; other raid - that I'm hesitant to invest in one. I may look into a raid/zfs/drobo system when usb3/light peak comes to an iMac and I can future proof to some extent while realizing better throughput. For now the goal is to keep the system together for at least 3 months
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I was looking at some 2 tb drives from samsung and WD for 80 and would swap them into the current enclosure.
The thing is, how would you know if you developed bad sectors on an external? I write to the drive when moving raw files from the MacBook to the external after they are processed. I then clone (incremental) every 2 weeks. I don't read from that drive otherwise so I would never know if data was becoming corrupted. Presumably the clone would be okay...
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Drives have gotten better now or I've become more lazy but I don't run it any more.
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Every few months or so I go back and check to see that everything is ok. So far, so good.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I'll add a NAS solution later in the year.
Canon Powershot G6
iMac 27" | 2.93Ghz Quad-Core Intel i7 | 16GB 1333 DDR3 | SL 10.6.5
iPhone 4 | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
iPad | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
...and a plethora of other computers and OSs
We did get them fixed but it took weeks to figure it out, I forgot now since we wanted to shut that out of our minds, haha
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Personally I don't care if my drives get bad sectors, I just make sure I
a) have a clone my mac's boot drive on an external firewire, if the internal drive dies, I can boot from this and be instantly up and runnning.
b) Backup all my important files across my network to my drobo. If a drive in the drobo dies, the light on the front will turn red, and I can just pull the old one out and replace it (even while it's running, it's like magic).
c) Then these important files go from the Drobo to Crashplan's online backup storage.
If a file doesn't exist in 3 places, it might as well not exist.
I love CrashPlan! I bought several people that I know that live around the country 1TB drives to hook up to their systems. I then networked all of our computers using CrashPlan. Now we all have off-site backup in multiple locations for free! I love how you can send a backup for them to connect to their system, saving the initial seed over the internet from taking weeks or months!
If you know someone who has extra storage on their system, and wouldn't mind you using their system as a backup (maybe if you return the favor) then I highly recommend this! It will also backup to an online service that they provide for a monthly fee.
Ok, sorry, I know I sound like a commercial, I just really love this program! :-P