Her is a link to the young ladies video. http://animoto.com/play/AKl8pcu8mtEwLneJd03tSQ?autostart=true
The senior drape shots were with main 4x6 box, fill, hair, kicker and backlight.
Most of the others were with the 4x6 softbox and a bkg light and ocassionally a kicker.
Some of the head shots on the gray bgk were with a beauty dish.
Trying to use different lights and comparing the results. The red one was with a small 10 by 30 strip box with a kicker to the viewers left and a red gel on a bkg lt to intensify the bkg.
The grey one was with an Alien Bee ring flash and a kicker and a bkg lt.
last one was with a beauty dish with a sock on the front. With a kicker to viewers left and a bkg lt with a small grid on it to keep the light tight.
Trying to use different lights and comparing the results. The red one was with a small 10 by 30 strip box with a kicker to the viewers left and a red gel on a bkg lt to intensify the bkg.
Can you come to my house and set up my game room? Just checkin'! Really, great thread and awesome ideas! Thanks
For these three shots I used a Qflash into an umbrella about 15ft from the subject. Metered for the bkg and adjusted the flash output to that f stop. Flash is off to my left. The second shot has alittle bit of Lucius on it. It was a very overcast day and just began to drizzle abit.
The outside shots were done with the setup shown and the inside one was with one umbrella. Exposed for the sky and then brought the light in to the same setting with a second light to add some light to the vehicles or to rim the fireman. I also added some Topaz Adjust to the Fireman.
Come on folks.....if you've got a cool shot lets see how you did it, do a pull back. If your like me you forget what the heck you did. In or out of studio......with reflectors, lights or both or flashlights. Lets get this kickin!
Not a good pull back because I didn't get a chance to change lens and my space is tight, but it does give a slight idea of how this worked. I had the Photek 45 Softliter 45-80* camera left, but then decided to try my 2nd flash bounced into the hallway/vestibule behind/next to the subject camera right. SCORE! It effectively turned the vestibule into a 5x8 ft softbox - I dialled FEC and the ratio way down on that flash (I shoot ETTL since only one of my flashes has a manual mode) and it worked a treat. I possibly could/should have cut the light on that rear flash even more, but here I liked both the fill and the hair boost
Great job!!!! Just remember to generally bring in the main from behind her forward shoulder to give some depth to the breast area. I like your lighting ratio.
One soft box main and reflector. Generally this is used the majority of the time. Two strips lighting the bkg coming in behind the subject at a 45 to bkg. Reflector is silver main about 4ft away.
Using powered lights, bees, white lighting, etc. Don't have a pocket wizzard.......no problem........use your speed light on camera with power set to low and use that to trigger the slaves.....it works. Don't point the flash at subject just aim it up.
You can see the reflector in 9a. It is a foam core insulation board that has a dull grey side, a super shinny side and white shelving paper on two sides. I use the white due to the shinny side being wayyyyyyy to much. It was reflecting the direct setting sun back onto him.
Same setup here....4x6 to the left with two lights on bkg and a reflector fill. Floor has a 4x8 sheet of white something like Formica from Home Depot $30ish dollars. That's why the reflectivity. I would have done alot more with the baloons but he wasn't in a good mood to start and by the third outfit he was difficult. Don't you just love how a 30 something parent tries to reason with a 2 year old!
Looking in the archives
I should have several (although I often forget to take these types of shots). Will look this evening and post some.....should be fun.
Once we finish cleaning up the last few things from our move a few weeks ago, I'd love to turn the dining room (which our dining room takes up maybe 1/4th of the room in) into an improntu studio when needed for proper backdrops and lighting and all that jazz... definitely a lot of great ideas here on all the things I'll need when I decide to try that out!
Not a bad primer for those looking for info on how to use lights. Not overly complicated, very simple but lacking in depth explaniation but for $10 not a big waste of dollars.
The large umbrella on left was not used. The flash on ground was set to 1/16 and I used a shoot through sock. I think the other flash was set to 1/16 and bounced off a smaller silver umbrella.
Wow a great thread is an understatement and said many times and yet I will say it again! Looking forward to seeing more added here.
Thanks for giving life to this thread Charles!
Those are christmas lights hanging in front of a black sheet, on top of a roll of gray seamless. Tried just using the seamless but it didn't work because the lights illuminated the paper and you could see it in the photo, instead of just lights surrounded by blackness. So I put the sheet in between to make it work. One softbox for key and a smaller one as a hair light.
And the result:
Of course, with a small subject and zoomed all the way in to 200mm, the bokeh could get even larger:
The senior drape shots were with main 4x6 box, fill, hair, kicker and backlight.
Most of the others were with the 4x6 softbox and a bkg light and ocassionally a kicker.
Some of the head shots on the gray bgk were with a beauty dish.
this place rocks...grinnnn
The grey one was with an Alien Bee ring flash and a kicker and a bkg lt.
last one was with a beauty dish with a sock on the front. With a kicker to viewers left and a bkg lt with a small grid on it to keep the light tight.
Can you come to my house and set up my game room? Just checkin'! Really, great thread and awesome ideas! Thanks
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Reminds me of this guy's style -
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I should have several (although I often forget to take these types of shots). Will look this evening and post some.....should be fun.
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Love the pull back thread! We will learn so much from this!
DavidBroadwell.com, My Smugmug Home
10 bucks
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Not a bad primer for those looking for info on how to use lights. Not overly complicated, very simple but lacking in depth explaniation but for $10 not a big waste of dollars.
And the pull back...
The large umbrella on left was not used. The flash on ground was set to 1/16 and I used a shoot through sock. I think the other flash was set to 1/16 and bounced off a smaller silver umbrella.
Thanks for giving life to this thread Charles!
Those are christmas lights hanging in front of a black sheet, on top of a roll of gray seamless. Tried just using the seamless but it didn't work because the lights illuminated the paper and you could see it in the photo, instead of just lights surrounded by blackness. So I put the sheet in between to make it work. One softbox for key and a smaller one as a hair light.
And the result:
Of course, with a small subject and zoomed all the way in to 200mm, the bokeh could get even larger: