New 7D, RAW Issues
OK, need some help here. Got my new 7D today, yippee. Took some shots og a couple grand kids. Tried to import into my Elements 7 and it will not accept the raw images!! I can bring in a jpg. I have tried changing the file names in case that was the problem(duplicate). I also grabbed another card, formatted and tried a couple tests. Same result, raw no, jpg yes. What am I missing here?
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You can convert your 7D raw files to DNG format (I'm pretty sure Elements 7 supports that) with the free DNG conversion tool you can download from the Adobe site. Or you can upgrade to the current version of elements which almost certainly does support 7D raw files. You can download the trial version for free and try it out to confirm.
The 7D came with software, DPP, that will read the raw files and make jpgs out of them too.
Adobe doesn't add support for new cameras to older versions of their software products and I pretty sure the 7D came out after Elements 7 had been replaced by 8 or 9.
So I think you will have to update to Elements 9 to get support for your 7D. You can download the trial for Elements 9 to confirm that it works for you though.
I have a 5DMKII, a 7D, and a G10. CS3 couldn't read any of the RAW files created with these cameras.
So, you can update your software, or I believe Adobe has other software that will convert your RAW file to a DNG file.
Then I think you can bring it into your software.
I've never done that extra step so hopefully someone else will chime in.
Your best option is to update PSE.
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Also, the forum has about 55,000 registered users. Compared to that, 45 users is nuthin, so if the few people who viewed it don't know how to solve the problem, they're not going to speak up...
And I was going to suggest using Canon's free DPP and then export 16-bit TIFF's over to Elements - any version of Elements or other non-up-to-date photo editing software. Glad you came to a solution.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky