Trying to figure out Facebook app

annarocksannarocks Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
edited January 3, 2011 in SmugMug Support
HI all! I am currently in the process of trying to set up my photography facebook page... I am having trouble finding a way to upload from Lightroom 3 to FB. I have a regular profile for myself and a fan page. So far I have uploaded to my regular profile, but am not sure how the option works to get it on my fan page. Also, I see there is a way to have a FB tab on my fan page for Smugmug, but I am having issues figuring this all out. Can I just link my photos that are already on my Smugmug page to appear on my fan page??? Seems like a lot of uploading!!! Thanks!

One more thing... my posts seem to not be including my profile photo here on dgrin... any ideas?


  • cjmchchcjmchch Registered Users Posts: 222 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2011
    With regards your profile photo - it is showing. If it isn't showing for you then it is possible that you have them turned off in your options. To fix Select the 'You' from the menu bar at the top of the forum, Go to 'Settings and Options/ Edit Options/ Thread Display Options.'

    Make sure your show avatars is ticked.

    LR3 - In your Navigator Pane there is an option called Publish Services. It is from here that you select the Facebook option and apply your settings, allowing you to upload your images to Facebook. As you have already got a publishing profile setup for your regular profile you will need to make a second profile for facebook so as to be able to upload to your fan page.

    To do this:

    In LR select the Publish Services Manager, From there select the ADD (bottom of left pane). When the window opens scroll down through the via service and select facebook and go through the process of setting up your account. If the wrong account is entered you can select the change account option. Make sure you save this profile to reflect your facebook fan page. Now you can select which facebook page you are uploading to.

    For your SmugMug Tab in Facebook:
    Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray
  • annarocksannarocks Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited January 1, 2011
    Thank you for your prompt reply! I had figured out the avatar shortly after I posted. ;) Just a little digging (and a lot to dig through!).

    As for the Lightroom Publish services, I am familiar and will try with a second profile. It was a little confusing to me since I sign into Facebook under my regular profile and my fan page is "attached" to me. I will surely check it out!

    Happy New Year!
  • cjmchchcjmchch Registered Users Posts: 222 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2011
    Just so you know - the SmugMug Tab will only work on a Fan page, not a profile page. Once installed and working all your SmugMug Galleries will be viewable, either in Category or Gallery view. (but only those that you have enabled as viewable within your SM account. This makes it a lot easier to view your images without the need to duplicate uploads via Lightroom. One upload to Smug then allows viewing through Facebook.

    And Happy New Year to you as well.
    Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray
  • annarocksannarocks Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited January 2, 2011
    You know what? I thought about my reply to you and I had forgotten to ask about the tab. I was having trouble finding the right link to get it installed on my fan page. I found the link here in dgrin, but when I click on it, it takes me to my regular fb page. Then it says it is unable to install since it is only for fan pages now. Any ideas how I get it on my fan page???

    I see you are "liking" my fan page! Thanks! I am so loaded with friends there, as you can see! :)
  • cjmchchcjmchch Registered Users Posts: 222 Major grins
    edited January 2, 2011
    annarocks wrote: »
    You know what? I thought about my reply to you and I had forgotten to ask about the tab. I was having trouble finding the right link to get it installed on my fan page. I found the link here in dgrin, but when I click on it, it takes me to my regular fb page. Then it says it is unable to install since it is only for fan pages now. Any ideas how I get it on my fan page???

    I see you are "liking" my fan page! Thanks! I am so loaded with friends there, as you can see! :)

    And a great page/blog too!

    Let's get your tab working -

    1. Login to facebook and visit
    2. Click on 'Go to Application'
    3. Request for Permission - check to make sure it is you who is logged in - then click 'Allow'
    4. Input the name of your smug account (mine is
    5. Click on the Pages Tab - this will be where you link the tab to your fan page. It should show up so all you will need to do is make sure the little box is ticked next to the fan page of your choice.
    6. Click 'Authorize'
    7. Go to the SmugMug Tab application page at this page
    8. Click on 'Add to my Page' A pop will appear with available Fan Pages if you have more than one - Click on the one you want and then click 'Authorize'
    9. Go to you fan page (you can use the quick access links above) and click the "+" sign and add the SmugMug Tab. (you may already have a new tab named portfolio - it is here where your images 'smug gallery' is presented.
    10. Your SmugMug updates should then appear on your fan page just as it does in your profile.
    11. go back to and change your settings to suit. Clicking Layout will allow you to show either Gallery or Category view, irrespective of how you have it set on SmugMug.

    Warnings: In order to view your images in Facebook you will need to make sure each gallery you want viewable externally has 'External Links' enabled within your Privacy and Security Settings of the 'Smart Gallery Settings' I haven't devised a way to apply this site wide to each gallery so each one has to be done individually.

    Back to your fan page, click on Portfolio and voila - your images directly from SmugMug


    Here's a video I made for you to follow: Make sure you use full screen and 720p for playback
    Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray
  • annarocksannarocks Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited January 3, 2011
    Thank you, Chris! Wheew! That is a maze if I ever saw one. You are great to take so much time to put this out there. I am certain it will help so many! This is hardly a self explanatory facebook fan page app.

    I took a look and LOVE your photos. You are a very talented artist! Congrats on your new baby and your new blog as well. I really appreciate your time.
  • cjmchchcjmchch Registered Users Posts: 222 Major grins
    edited January 3, 2011
    annarocks wrote: »
    Thank you, Chris! Wheew! That is a maze if I ever saw one. You are great to take so much time to put this out there. I am certain it will help so many! This is hardly a self explanatory facebook fan page app.

    I took a look and LOVE your photos. You are a very talented artist! Congrats on your new baby and your new blog as well. I really appreciate your time.

    Facebook per-se is difficult to navigate and associated with that app makes it a real challenge to navigate through the installation process. The video probably isn't as clear as it should be but it was made with a certain amount of time constraint.

    Thanks for the kind words re my photography - I regard myself as an avid amateur - although today I did manage to sell my first print - in Poland of all places! I do need to get my SM pricing page done and loaded then upload some more photos.

    Keep up the good work!
    Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray
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