Breaking into a new area
Hey all I'm moving to the Hampton, Virginia area in about 25 days and I'm trying to come up with some ideas how I can market myself and get my name out. Anyone have some suggestions?
I was also wondering if there were any DGrinners in that area that would be interested in shooting sometime?
I was also wondering if there were any DGrinners in that area that would be interested in shooting sometime?
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
Take wife or girl friend (depending on your martial status) to the parks and other places people congregate and do shoots...get friends to pose for family portraits in the same kinds of places and NEVER EVER be without your business wallet is full of my cards, my CF wallets are stuffed with my business cards in the extra holding area, my camera bags have business cards in them and my vehicles glove box has 1 full box of b-cards ......when you get down to your last 1k order more.....but get your presence known...........
Personally i would be pretty careful with the Vehicle signage.
Everyone I know that has put signage on their Vehicle has had the thing broken into seemingly every time they walked away from it.
Maybe magnetic would be better in that you can remove them easily and decide when you want to publicise yourself and when discretion may be a better idea.
As for getting started, I'd first do some research. Find out what is on offer in the area and where the market is saturated and where teh opportunities are. If there are 50 shooters doing wedding withnin a short distance from you and you don't or can't offer anything particularly different or outstanding, then your going to be in for a tough time no matter what you do.
You may find that there is a gap in the market and if you can then research that that you can create a demand if one dosen't exist, then you would be better off going to the paddock that's empty rather than where all the other cattle are trying to graze.
You would also do well to search Guerilla marketing on the net for some different low/no cost ideas for marketing and promoting yourself.
Having a great folio is helpful but not at all a nessicity to being a successful shooter.
Being an excellent marketer is.
Never been broken into due to signage....but it seems I have had a hard time with people taking the i add a spot of superglue to all 4 corners (tiny spot) and the alarm helps a lot also...........but I never keep equipment in my car...if I am going to shoot, when i get to location all gear comes out of car and I have no trunk (Izuzu Trooper) so everyone can see there is nothing in it when I am not in it.