Thnxs for yoru reply Ginger. I was trying to be different and trying out a neat feature of my camera which combines multiple exposures and adjusts compenstaion in camera so you don't need to do it in PS.
Interesting shot. I like the B&W better. I think I would like to see one of the three images more detailed....more prominent. So you would have a more central image..with a couple dreamy/ghostish images . Sort of looking for more of a central point of interest....something that grabs your eye/attention. Perhaps a longer/deeper exposure of one of the images. I know it's difficult doing this in the camera. Good luck.
I perfer the first photo that you posted. Besides the dreaming effect--it also has a very strong psychological delve into the subconscious via the lens. I think this is one of the most authentic self portraits that I have seen yet--since you "were" actually sleeping.
one more version
"Osprey Whisperer"
I perfer the first photo that you posted. Besides the dreaming effect--it also has a very strong psychological delve into the subconscious via the lens. I think this is one of the most authentic self portraits that I have seen yet--since you "were" actually sleeping.