An older pic that I've worked over a bit in Lightroom 3. I'm trying to decide what software to buy so I'm testing some trial versions of Lightroom, Photomatix, and a trial run of Smugmug. I always liked this pic....
These are older, low quality jpegs that came from my p&s Canon. When I sharpened them and brought up the exposure in Lightroom it seems to have emphasized artifacts that were already there. If I look close at my originals the artifacts are there but the pics are dull enough that it is less noticeabe. I'm shopping now for my first DSLR as well as software and a solid method for getting photos cleanly to my pc. Still learning.............
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
I've noticed that in a few of the pics I've played with in lightroom......any idea what might be going on?
What are you starting out with, and how are you exporting them?? Lightroom is not doing this to you.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.