domain hosting help?
Please help me out. I have the pro pkg with smugmug and have for years. I pay $150 for that as do all of you.
I register my domain with for $14.95 per year. also charges me $46.40 per year for what they call their power plan. Do I need this power plan? When I contacted them their response was: "Hello,
The power plan B is your actual hosting package.
If you terminate your hosting package your site will no longer be up here.
If you wish to only renew the domain, that is all you will have with"
Thanks in advance.
I register my domain with for $14.95 per year. also charges me $46.40 per year for what they call their power plan. Do I need this power plan? When I contacted them their response was: "Hello,
The power plan B is your actual hosting package.
If you terminate your hosting package your site will no longer be up here.
If you wish to only renew the domain, that is all you will have with"
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for getting back to me. is telling me that if i cancel my web hosting with them that i will not have access to higher level dns functions such as a record, cname etc. does this make sense? if this is in fact the case and it means that i would not be able to make it work with smugmug without paying $15 for domain registration and their additional $46 for "web hosting" shouldnt I cancel and go to for example?
I would not cancel the domain. Transfer it. If you cancel first, you could loose it. There is a specific transfer process that you need to follow. GoDaddy can help you with that.
Select Your Transfer Nameservers:
Keep the existing nameservers on my transferring domain names as currently set at my domain registrar. Change my transferring domain names to park nameservers.
I guess I should contact Yola, and see what I'm paying for?
Just a quick question about your preference of godaddy... In the times that I've used their services (usually to help out friends) I've found godaddy to be challenging for me to navigate and in some cases, it seems there are "hidden" fees (various features seem to be set up as paid addons). What do you like that other services don't seem to offer?
I'm utilizing BlueHost for my site, and to date, I don't have any concerns. They've been responsive with support needs, and seem to get the essentials done. That said, from time to time I look at other domains and don't want to miss a good thing just because of a sour experience I had cause I didn't take the time to figure it out...
Thanks for your insight!
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I have dealt with just about every single domain host out there. So far I have seen a lot of really bad, confusing, scammy, shady, crappy, .... you get it. I guess it really depends on what you feel comfortable with. I have not seen any "hidden" fees with GoDaddy except for their recent addition of what they call Premium DNS, which most folks have no need for. I have seen other hosts charge you for the domain, and then charge you to setup DNS, and every other basic function that is included with the domain at GoDaddy. Other stuff like SSL, Certified domains, and private registrations are additional at GoDaddy. But those prices are listed up front during the process. I have seen other sites let you register a domain for next to nothing and only when you get to the point of setting up the DNS do they tell you that a CNAME is extra or not allowed at all. Thats shady.
If you like Blue Host, stick with them. As long as your domain works and you like the host there is no need to switch.
As a total off-topic aside, I stumbled across your recent blogpost... CONGRATS! Your commitment & results are encouraging! Interestingly, a couple days ago I came across another forum recommending the Eat To Live book, and I'm reading it now with enthusiasm; I'm glad the SmugMug team isn't always about business as usual.
Cheers! (And sorry for the off-topic tangent!)
About Me • Photography • Blog • Juneau, AK SMUG • Facebook • Twitter