If you trust the people, then the machine spec looks nice. It may be a little hard to tell how it would cope with 'airport abuse', but the component specs look OK, as long as it has been engineered by someone with neurons...
I will take a 3 year warranty anyway. Ive seen too many laptops goes toes up after the 1st years warranty is up.
The price of an extended warranty is often an interesting sign of how confident a company are. The extended warranty on a £5000 Dell is £133+VAT. 'Time' before they went bankrupt simply didn't offer the same level of service and the nearest option which is significantly worse would have been nearly £1000... You can expect a higher warranty ratio for a laptop, as they just do break more often, but if it's too high, you should we wary...
Still have not the go ahead to buy it but am now ready when the green light goes.
Im confident enough building & adding to my desk top & could care less what happens to it but a lap top is a different animal so i will get the warranty.
It wont see many airports just my lounge room or in my huge camera back pack that has a purpose built bag for it.
Just thought I would throw this link into the mix, a good site for news on up and coming technology in laptops & PC's as well as many other things including photography
Wheres the yank luke is a pom...marlof & michiel are from the neatherlands & im from a wasteland penal hell hole that HMS sent my forefathers to...curse them !
Wheres the yank luke is a pom...marlof & michiel are from the neatherlands & im from a wasteland penal hell hole that HMS sent my forefathers to.
Tks for the link...will check it out.
Good God you're right, there's so many on here I tend to just assume everyone's one apart from myself!!! Check the link out, I'll go and get my coat.:tiptoe
Good God you're right, there's so many on here I tend to just assume everyone's one apart from myself!!! Check the link out, I'll go and get my coat.:tiptoe
The yanks are asleep atm. Its good to run around in your underwear here whilst the place is quiet.
Nope. They'll transfer the license (that was a sticking point for me too).
That'd be strange. I've contacted Adobe about it, and they explicitly stated that they would *not* do that. They have *no* crossgrade policy in effect, at least, that's what they said to me. It's one of the only reasons I still have a WinXP desktop standing around.
That'd be strange. I've contacted Adobe about it, and they explicitly stated that they would *not* do that. They have *no* crossgrade policy in effect, at least, that's what they said to me. It's one of the only reasons I still have a WinXP desktop standing around.
That's too bad.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
It sure is bad. Give my iView Media anytime, who give a desktop / notebook license as well, regardless of the operating systems on that combo.
Ian, you wrote that it was a sticking point for you too. Does that mean they did transfer your license from Win to Mac? For me, that would be good enough a solution, since I'd like to go all Mac and the only extra license I'd currently have to buy would be PS CS2.
The price of an extended warranty is often an interesting sign of how confident a company are. The extended warranty on a £5000 Dell is £133+VAT. 'Time' before they went bankrupt simply didn't offer the same level of service and the nearest option which is significantly worse would have been nearly £1000... You can expect a higher warranty ratio for a laptop, as they just do break more often, but if it's too high, you should we wary...
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
Im confident enough building & adding to my desk top & could care less what happens to it but a lap top is a different animal so i will get the warranty.
It wont see many airports just my lounge room or in my huge camera back pack that has a purpose built bag for it.
Thanks mate
Just thought I would throw this link into the mix, a good site for news on up and coming technology in laptops & PC's as well as many other things including photography
Tks for the link...will check it out.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Nope. They'll transfer the license (that was a sticking point for me too).
That's too bad.
Ian, you wrote that it was a sticking point for you too. Does that mean they did transfer your license from Win to Mac? For me, that would be good enough a solution, since I'd like to go all Mac and the only extra license I'd currently have to buy would be PS CS2.
Why do (from my observations) all new laptops have slots for xD cards...memory stickes..SM etc but none that i have found take CF ?
I assumed that it would be 1st in line. Too big ?
Michiel de Brieder
Michiel de Brieder