I don't understand your title (ten seconds later?) but I like the picture because it shows a generation that didn't grow up with GenY using the technology and acting like GenY by not talking to each other lol.
I don't understand your title (ten seconds later?) but I like the picture because it shows a generation that didn't grow up with GenY using the technology and acting like GenY by not talking to each other lol.
I'm with you on not understanding the title and also with your observation--for that reason it is a very good shot and your processing is spot on.
Awesome, I wonder if they have adopted txt shorthand. My dad has finally caved to using the technology but won't respond to me unless I use propper grammar.
I've been at events where virtually everyone in the place - of all ages - is texting or e-mailing. It's kind of funny. Great shot. Nicely composed and processed.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
I'm with you on not understanding the title and also with your observation--for that reason it is a very good shot and your processing is spot on.
It's texter's shorthand for "tennis later?"
Thanks for your comments!
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That is a new one for me--of course anything past IMO and is pretty much new to me.
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