Have lost link in bridge to upload to smug..Setting error I assume
Help appreciated..
Which version? Adobe baked in SmugMug in some CS Bridge. But not all. Regardless, simply dragging from Bridge into our HTML5 or Simple Uploader will be MUCH FASTER and much more reliable. Please do it that way.
Which version? Adobe baked in SmugMug in some CS Bridge. But not all. Regardless, simply dragging from Bridge into our HTML5 or Simple Uploader will be MUCH FASTER and much more reliable. Please do it that way.
Keep in mind, you have to convert to JPEG or other SM formats... So, if your Work Flow doesn't involve this, add it, since it wont be done automatically for you.
Keep in mind, you have to convert to JPEG or other SM formats... So, if your Work Flow doesn't involve this, add it, since it wont be done automatically for you.
This is a link to our help page on unloading from Bridge
Shout if you need more help.
Which version? Adobe baked in SmugMug in some CS Bridge. But not all. Regardless, simply dragging from Bridge into our HTML5 or Simple Uploader will be MUCH FASTER and much more reliable. Please do it that way.
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Keep in mind, you have to convert to JPEG or other SM formats... So, if your Work Flow doesn't involve this, add it, since it wont be done automatically for you.
Yes, goes without saying: drag JPGs thanks!
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I am sure there are some smart people at SM that can take a CR2 (and whatever Nikon uses) and convert it to a JPG for users