Bug / inconsistency: smugmug.categories.get

Whenever I do a smugmug.categories.get call via REST (API 1.1.0), I receive a response like this:
[PHP]<rsp stat="ok">
<Category id="0">
<Category id="41">
But the docs state:
Array of structs:
int "CategoryID"
String "Title" :scratch
Funny enough, when I call smugmug.subcategories.getAll, I receive:
[PHP]<rsp stat="ok">
<SubCategory id="112540">
Note the repeated SubCategoryID, which is what the docs say:
Array of structs:
int "CategoryID"
int "SubCategoryID"
String "Title"
[PHP]<rsp stat="ok">
<Category id="0">
<Category id="41">
But the docs state:
Array of structs:
int "CategoryID"
String "Title" :scratch
Funny enough, when I call smugmug.subcategories.getAll, I receive:
[PHP]<rsp stat="ok">
<SubCategory id="112540">
Note the repeated SubCategoryID, which is what the docs say:
Array of structs:
int "CategoryID"
int "SubCategoryID"
String "Title"
This doesn't seem to apply to XML-RPC 1.1.1. The XML looks formed as one would expect from the documentation.
I have not verified against 1.1.0, but it seems highly likely that it's OK, I think that my earlier testing would have caught the issue otherwise.
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com