Business and other things
Hello All,
I need some help, I also own another business. We sell African Art among other items/trinkets/clothing. I am looking for a business platform much like smugmug but for traditional inventory. I want drop shipping much like smugmug has set up with the photo labs. I have suppliers that are willing to work with me to make sure this happens, but I need to find this platform that I can begin to implement this effort on. I hit up smugmug support to see if they where offering another service or business that replicates the success of smugmug, but for other products and they stated no they are not. They suggested I come out here and ask.
If any one could give suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Any feed back is apreciated. Thank you for your time.
One World United Photos LLC
Flickr / Twitter / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
I need some help, I also own another business. We sell African Art among other items/trinkets/clothing. I am looking for a business platform much like smugmug but for traditional inventory. I want drop shipping much like smugmug has set up with the photo labs. I have suppliers that are willing to work with me to make sure this happens, but I need to find this platform that I can begin to implement this effort on. I hit up smugmug support to see if they where offering another service or business that replicates the success of smugmug, but for other products and they stated no they are not. They suggested I come out here and ask.
If any one could give suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Any feed back is apreciated. Thank you for your time.
One World United Photos LLC
Flickr / Twitter / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
One World United Photos LLC
Twitter / Flickr / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
Twitter / Flickr / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
I have looked at it, but it is tailored towards something alittle bit smaller.
Twitter / Flickr / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
man thank you, i have googled so many search terms. It is crazy how key words rule the world. I will investigate these.
Thanks so much!!!
Twitter / Flickr / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins
Just cliked on your FB Fan Link and it goes to somewhere else but is the address in the address bar:!/pages/One-World-United-Photos-LLC/329861939368
It is the that is killing it from your siggy link.....This is the 2nd one I have run into today from DGRIN.........must be in the air.....
I did make it to you fan page and liked it....
Twitter / Flickr / Facebook Fan / Facebook Group
Shaun Collins