I copied your image from your Flickr page. Looks sharp to me, but not that sharp to make the colors come alive. You can do some extra post-process sharpening if you want. Nice girl and nice picture!
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
Sharpening for the web:
Resize to 2000 on the long side, go to filters hit Sharpen once or twice if the photo is not that sharp to begin with.
Then resize to 800 on the long side.
View Actual Pixels to double check it, save it.
Looks like a nice cultural shot taken in dark venue with no flash, so technically not that great but still an interesting shot.
_DSC2012 by shanghaiviewer@yahoo.cn, on Flickr
I copied your image from your Flickr page. Looks sharp to me, but not that sharp to make the colors come alive. You can do some extra post-process sharpening if you want. Nice girl and nice picture!
Resize to 2000 on the long side, go to filters hit Sharpen once or twice if the photo is not that sharp to begin with.
Then resize to 800 on the long side.
View Actual Pixels to double check it, save it.
Looks like a nice cultural shot taken in dark venue with no flash, so technically not that great but still an interesting shot.