The Time-Life "Library of Photography" is an ~20 volume set of books about every phase of film photography, the general basics of exposure, lenses etc not really changing in the digital age.
John Hedgecoe's "The Photographer's Handbook" is still relevant.
Tom Ang's "Digital Photographer's Handbook" is quite informative, as is his "Digital Photography Master Class"
"The Joy of Photography" by the Editors of Eastman Kodak Company ( copyright 1979) is still a good background on film based photography even today. It even has a selection of images from Ernst Haas and Gordon Parks that are still excellent today. I am sure you can find used copies from online used bookstores pretty cheap.
I really like "The Photograph - Composition and Color Design" by Harold Mante, published by Rockynook also.
I am sure our readers will list many more as well. One of the difficulties about digital photography is that the field is growing and changing so rapidly that many books solely about equipment and software are outdated in just a couple years. The older books about optics, camera usage, and exposure are still relevant information.
Serge Timacheff is an Olympic fencing photographer, and he does a bunch of other stuff too. He's a REALLY good author... he and Mr. Karlins wrote another book too, about sports photography...
John Hedgecoe's "The Photographer's Handbook" is still relevant.
Tom Ang's "Digital Photographer's Handbook" is quite informative, as is his "Digital Photography Master Class"
"The Joy of Photography" by the Editors of Eastman Kodak Company ( copyright 1979) is still a good background on film based photography even today. It even has a selection of images from Ernst Haas and Gordon Parks that are still excellent today. I am sure you can find used copies from online used bookstores pretty cheap.
I really like "The Photograph - Composition and Color Design" by Harold Mante, published by Rockynook also.
I am sure our readers will list many more as well. One of the difficulties about digital photography is that the field is growing and changing so rapidly that many books solely about equipment and software are outdated in just a couple years. The older books about optics, camera usage, and exposure are still relevant information.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Serge Timacheff is an Olympic fencing photographer, and he does a bunch of other stuff too. He's a REALLY good author... he and Mr. Karlins wrote another book too, about sports photography...
I really like these books. I have the sports one and I've read the "total" one... I've found them both at my library, maybe yours has them...