Subdomain pointed to specific gallery/category URL...possible?

I have tried setting a sub-domain to a specific gallery but it doesn't want to work. Is it possible? On my "regular" server I just do a programmatic redirect on entry into the site to get the user to a specific subdirectory which contains the "sub-site" based on the URL used to get to my site. So if they enter: which is hosted on my server account I then do a fast check of the URL parsing it to send the user to the correct, what I call, "sub-site" and the user sees the a URL in the format of{insert some abbreviation here that is an acronym for the sub-site}
But it would make SM a lot more useful to me if we could do two things. First to be able to point a sub-domain to a specific gallery or category. Second, and this a higher level of control, be able to host multiple sites under the same account because once you add a second account the cost begins to exceed the cost for a moderate level shared hosting account which lets one host around 50 domains if one is that insane!! hehehehe....
I know the second "want" would be gravy the first, the ability to point sub-domains at a gallery/category. It would help a lot at organizing things for what I am wanting to do these days. And I am sure I'm not the only one who would love to keep everything under one hosting service rather than just use SM to host our "gallery" or whatever as a sub-domain from the main site.
The second, if possible, is to have multiple domains on the same primary account with each domain directed to it's own category/gallery retaining that base URL when navigating within the scope of that parent gallery/category.
Any suggestions would be great or if it's simply not possible, cool but would love to know so I don't keep trying to work around it...would rather be taking photos!! hahaha....:D which is hosted on my server account I then do a fast check of the URL parsing it to send the user to the correct, what I call, "sub-site" and the user sees the a URL in the format of{insert some abbreviation here that is an acronym for the sub-site}
But it would make SM a lot more useful to me if we could do two things. First to be able to point a sub-domain to a specific gallery or category. Second, and this a higher level of control, be able to host multiple sites under the same account because once you add a second account the cost begins to exceed the cost for a moderate level shared hosting account which lets one host around 50 domains if one is that insane!! hehehehe....
I know the second "want" would be gravy the first, the ability to point sub-domains at a gallery/category. It would help a lot at organizing things for what I am wanting to do these days. And I am sure I'm not the only one who would love to keep everything under one hosting service rather than just use SM to host our "gallery" or whatever as a sub-domain from the main site.
The second, if possible, is to have multiple domains on the same primary account with each domain directed to it's own category/gallery retaining that base URL when navigating within the scope of that parent gallery/category.
Any suggestions would be great or if it's simply not possible, cool but would love to know so I don't keep trying to work around it...would rather be taking photos!! hahaha....:D
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hahahaha...thanks Andy. One day maybe? For now I guess the best option is to add a non-pro account for those sites with links to the other sites. Kludgy but, hey isn't the whole web one big work-around?
Hey, maybe a discount schedule when we add addition sites under the same user account? The service I use now gives you a discount for each additional host account you add under your main account. The discount increases as you add more site...for example the first site is a 3% discount, the 2nd is 6%, the 3rd is 10% then as I recall it levels out somewhere around 20%...anyway it's an idea though it depends on SM's business model as well. If it helps the host service was once like SM, a not so small family-like business which tried to focus on QUALITY and value for us customers. And, ahem....99.9% up-time, snickersnicker...I know you guys are trying and it has seemed better though I haven't been checking much of late, however I will be over the coming months as it's busy time for I gots my my eye on ya!!
Anyway, thanks for the answer...maybe one day it will be there though I understand there are a lot of factors to consider so it would be a low, or even not a, the mean time think STABILITY as this is the sole bug-bear I have had here over the past year or so.