Your websites

Ok so it's time for me to clean up my smugmug website if I am to take this any further.
Simple question--how to choose a name.
I was quite happy w/ lizzardnyc (smugmug won't let me put the underscore in the name which works out better for me) but as was pointed out by my sister it's not very professional sounding and two the extra "z".
How did you pick your names and any suggestions as to what I should consider in picking my web name. I for one really like lizzardnyc, but....
I have just gone through most of your sites, I know how Damon picked his name and I like it, easy to remember also and it just sounds good. B.D. Colen, well who can forget that? Plus it's catchy, if I was to use my name
Elizabeth Alarcon-Arocena--well who the heck would remember that?
I need to mull this over, any tips would be appreciated.
Also do I need to work on a logo? and does this logo need to become a watermark? And when do you decide what shots to watermark?
Thanks in advance.
Simple question--how to choose a name.
I was quite happy w/ lizzardnyc (smugmug won't let me put the underscore in the name which works out better for me) but as was pointed out by my sister it's not very professional sounding and two the extra "z".
How did you pick your names and any suggestions as to what I should consider in picking my web name. I for one really like lizzardnyc, but....
I have just gone through most of your sites, I know how Damon picked his name and I like it, easy to remember also and it just sounds good. B.D. Colen, well who can forget that? Plus it's catchy, if I was to use my name
Elizabeth Alarcon-Arocena--well who the heck would remember that?
I need to mull this over, any tips would be appreciated.
Also do I need to work on a logo? and does this logo need to become a watermark? And when do you decide what shots to watermark?
Thanks in advance.
Liz A.
I moved this to MYOB. I think it's a question that deserves a wider audience than just on the Street forum.
I spent another few days with my father trying to think of a name for a portrait end of my photography because "Champion" doesn't fit with that and we came up with"Orchard Point Studios" which has no meaning at all, I don't like it, and have since abandoned it and just gone with my name.
Just use one of your names "Arocena Photography" sounds great. I agree with your sister on the other name,
Keith - Champion Photo
Thank you Keith.
I can see this is going to be tough. First I don't know which last name to use, married/maiden, I use both. I was just posting my slices of life series on pj, when that named "Slices of Life Photography" occurred to me, since that's the kind of photoraphy I like to do, the PJ side of things if possible, but I can do portraits too. However I think that name sounds too close to B.D's "A day in the Life". So I have to find something else.
I appreciate your input--I can see why you battled this and why you may not be feeling "Orchard Point Studios", but I like the sports oriented one, it's to the point.
THanks for also confirming that lizzardnyc, is not the way to go--darn:)
Keith - Champion Photo
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how about Inner expressions...yes/no
Great understanding is broad and unhurried, Little understanding is cramped and busy" ..... Chuang Tsu
It also makes it hard if you ever expand with other employees and services. Generic names have always worked best for a reason.
Yes there is a certain amount of look at me, I own "yournamephotography" but do you really think that the clients care?
I understood very early on that;
1. I would not be in "photography" for the rest of my life.
2. I would not be the only one picking up a camera.
3. When I sell, anyone can be the owner.
Since that time;
1. I am not the only photographer shooting under the brand.
2. We are currently working on our 2nd independent film.
All of our current work and future work can fall under our generic studio name without conflict and without having to build a new brand for our new services.
Every photographer should know that video is coming, and in the end we will all be videographers.
How is that gonna jive with yournamephotography?
If you sit down and think about the businesses that you frequent on a regular basis, how many are "theirnamebusiness" versus some generic name?
I heard that about 25 years ago.
" No one will have photos any more, it will all be video".
Photos are still infinately more popular than video and there is no indication of the prefrence for the mediums to change.
25 years ago Nikon and Canon weren't adding video to the still cameras.
It is just a matter of time before we don't even get the option of getting video with our cameras.
If they see the handwriting on the wall it is only a matter of time before the rest of us do.
I remember people claiming digital wouldn't kill film.
What do you think the percentage of film users are compared to digital?
Give the manufacturers a few more years to perfect the video and still photographers will be in the same boat as film photographers.
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I love animoto
For my performance photography, I generally ask them NOT to credit me since I don't want my "brand name" (my real name) as a singer diluted with my photography activities. For my headshots I've considered "Divatography" as a business name, but despite amusing me endlessly, it might not be conveying what I want it so since I have no idea either to be thought of as temperamental, or to attract temperamental, wanna-be-pampered-all-the-time diva-esque clients
Inertia has wound up with it left it as it is, but I'll be following this thread with interest to see what folks have to say on the subject
Realphotoman Photography
Came out of first a nick name I shoot a lot of Semi Pro Football most of the time for a specific team and the players just started calling me Photoman. But when I did a search for a domain name Photoman was taken so I just added Real to the nick name and hence RealPhotoman Photography was born.
Work in progress Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU
Hi Liz!
Ooh Suck! Having or feeling like you have to change your name, etc for your web presence!
It so happens that my Name, tom wise is used by a photographer on the Web and on fB by a painter. So therefore I used tomwisephotos for years now. I really prefer as short a name as possible. However if someone is keying your Web address in for the first time and are looking at your card, it may not matter..much.
But looking ahead, I began to see a pattern. I couldn't/haven't seemed to find whatever it is I am looking for in my expression via photography. Consequently, I chose recently to create a hub. And that Hub will be known as where I am. From the hub, I can send spokes out in myriad directions, with little limit on the number of interests or avenues I project from the Hub or center.
As to the Watermarking, I haven't had need for that yet. But others are very tuned into that realm.
I think logo's make sense., and the simpler the better!
Also, consider using javascript instead of flash, so you don't have to create one site for mobile devices and another for Computers (since most mobile devices don't support flash).
If you can by your name as a domain. Do that as well you could either alias it to your search engine domain or use it as a blog.
Hope that's helpful.