Fixing a washed out sky
Hey guys! so back when I was pretty new to photography, I went on a trip to the Redwoods and snapped this shot. I went back and tried to edit it recently because I really like it, however, as you can due to my lack of experience I did not do a good exposure. i tried to fix it up the best I am capable, but i still have problems with the sky. I would love to see what tips and processes you guys would use to fix it.
a link to the original sized jpeg:
a link to the original sized jpeg:
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" - Gandhi
Canon Rebel XS
17-85 USM
100mm 2.8 macro lens
100-300mm usm
Canon Rebel XS
17-85 USM
100mm 2.8 macro lens
100-300mm usm
Duplicate just the sky into a new layer, cut the bottom out and multiply the sky to bring back some details. That's what I usually do. Hope that helps.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Long term, the solution to shots like this, if they are extreme enough, is to use a tripod and blend two or more images with different exposures. Most people use HDR for this, but I think the results are often very artificial. Instead, I use exposure blending.
That won't help with this shot, of course. I think you have some good suggestions already. Recovery would my first step too, if I had the shot in RAW (which I always do)--it will pull down the brightest areas and restore some detail in them. As long as the sky is not blown out, there will be some detail there. After that, layers and selections may be the only way to go, so that you can darken the sky and not the foreground. I would lighten the foreground. I don't think a lightroom gradient will work well because of the uneven horizon.
This is an example of needed to take more than one exposure and blending them.
Here is my try.
Yeah, the sky is completely washed out. no data. looking back, Yes I would have shot this HDR/exposure fusion. Alas, at the time i did not know what it was, haha.
I re-edited the raw file in CS5 and camera raw. doing recovery to 100 does little to help the sky since there's nothing to recover. I like you're suggestion Anthony, i think i'll give that a play with PS in my spare time and see what I can do. maybe add a texture or something to kind of "hide" the wash out, lol.
Canon Rebel XS
17-85 USM
100mm 2.8 macro lens
100-300mm usm