Horses on a Hilltop

Something different...

Canon 1D, 70-200f2.8IS, A Priority, f2.8:1/6400, FL200, 200ASA,
In PS CS, In RAW, shadow added, warmth added, saturation and contrast
upped�* and converted, transferred to B&W and sepia'd, noise/grain
added, cropped and then sharpened, saved for web..
Andrew :1drink

Canon 1D, 70-200f2.8IS, A Priority, f2.8:1/6400, FL200, 200ASA,
In PS CS, In RAW, shadow added, warmth added, saturation and contrast
upped�* and converted, transferred to B&W and sepia'd, noise/grain
added, cropped and then sharpened, saved for web..
Andrew :1drink
AutoMotoPhoto® Motorcycle Racing Photography
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
Beautiful shot, thanks for sharing.
Capitola, huh? Lovely city; I used to live in Hollister, just south of ya'. Whered you go to get that shot of the horses though? Doesnt look like Capitola, thats for sure!