Stretchy Question

Hi Gang,
I've tried enabling the Stretchy feature in my galleries but when I do I get fewer thumbnails on a page and the main image on the right is much smaller than with the non stretchy feature, at least on my monitor.
Maybe I'm overlooking the obvious (again) but is there a way of dealing with this?
I've tried enabling the Stretchy feature in my galleries but when I do I get fewer thumbnails on a page and the main image on the right is much smaller than with the non stretchy feature, at least on my monitor.
Maybe I'm overlooking the obvious (again) but is there a way of dealing with this?
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Try this gallery. On my monitor there are only 12 small thumbnails (3 rows of four) vs 15 (5 rows of 3) in non stretchy mode. Also, the main image on the right side is much smaller than the space allotted to it.
I'd like to keep stretchy enabled but I like the look of the non stretchy setting better, at least on my monitor.
Thanks for your help.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
What is the size (resolution) of your monitor?
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I have a 17" non wide screen monitor set to 1024x768 resolution.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I fixed my html and changed my screen resolution and it all looks much better now.
Thanks for your help.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged