January Joy - not

Ah - our eighth weekly storm has arrived right on schedule - just in time for the week-end. It's a nor'easter which means blowing snow, cold temperatures and lots of both.
Naturally, this is the week-end for our annual mid-winter equine trade show in which I have a photography booth. I left home early this morning and drove up to get my booth set up without worrying about other exhibitors and to avoid driving in the dark in the worst of the storm. I'm currently holed up in my hotel wondering whether or not going out for a meal is worth it - or if vending machine junk will suffice for one night.
The storm is scheduled to blow through tonight meaning clearing for the morning so that, hopefully, spectators can make it to the show.
I'll keep y'all posted!
Thoughts on January (and winter in general).
Naturally, this is the week-end for our annual mid-winter equine trade show in which I have a photography booth. I left home early this morning and drove up to get my booth set up without worrying about other exhibitors and to avoid driving in the dark in the worst of the storm. I'm currently holed up in my hotel wondering whether or not going out for a meal is worth it - or if vending machine junk will suffice for one night.
The storm is scheduled to blow through tonight meaning clearing for the morning so that, hopefully, spectators can make it to the show.
I'll keep y'all posted!
Thoughts on January (and winter in general).
Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Hope your booth attracts lots of business!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I went and Did a state Dressage event on the weekend with the tribe and today we are all sunburnt and still a touch dehydrated I think but we made up for it.
It was 35 C where we were all weekend and except for a cool breeze about 7Pm, the sun was blistering.
If only Snow you and I could average out our weather a bit. Then again, I'm only going to give you about 15 of my degrees because after that it gets too cold for me but should be perfect for you!
Wednesday is our national day and it's predicted to be 42C+.
That will knock a few people around.
Good Luck with your eventl Snow. I started the year off well with the one I did, Hope yours goes really great for you.
The storm did clear for Sat. morning but as the sun rose the temperature dropped like a stone. Still, we had a decent turnout for the show and I ended up with two solid bookings - a family portrait session and a puppy portrait session - so that's good. Had a lot of inquiries and went through a boat-load of business cards - so there is hope.
The crowds were down a bit from prior years, no doubt due to the abysmal driving conditions (icy coated roads, blowing snow = no visibility etc.) but even so, some came from as far away as Wolfville, Nova Scotia - a solid 6 hour drive in good conditions!
The show raised over $3500 for the provincial Children's Wish Foundation as well.
It's still BITTERLY cold here. I took my poor dog out for nature's necessities and he sat down and held up his paw, whining. Needless to say, a brisk walk is OUT OF THE QUESTION. As soon as he did what he had to, we ran in and curled up by the fireplace.
Ah - the joys of winter....NOT!:(:
Picadilly, NB, Canada
You can rub it in to me when you have your winter thaw and I'm coming into Winter. Although my winters would still be a cool summer to you, we think the world has come to an end if we have a brief overnight 0C
I think we had a record cold day last year where it " Only " got to a max of 10oC. People were neaqrly Dying of exposure and the electricity demand was in overload and people put on their heaters.
I have discovered 2 things kill my sales at events.
Heat and rain.
Everyone just wants to get away and get home where they can be comfortable and the event turns out to be a sufferance and not something they want to remember.
It dosen't really get cold enough here for them to be put off by that.
If the sun is shining in a clear sky and there is no wind, it's t-shirt weather here all year. You do get the cold at night and in the mornings especially in some of the country areas but that seldom lasts and people put on a coat and all is well.
As I sit here it's 2 am and still the high side of 25 outside. I put in a new airconditioner this morning to replace the one that burnt out last week and as soon as it was done, I booted the thing up and I'm still testing it now!
Seems to work ok but I'll probably run it non stop for the next few days just to make sure!
At the event on the weekend, there were more girls running around in Bikinis than t-shirts even though we were 100KM from teh nearest beach. I think they enjoyed whosing down the horses as much as the Nags themselves did. One lot of people camping had a large wading pool and it was getting plenty of use.
Anyway, I hope your winter is a short one and you'll be back at the beach in your string bikini working on your Tan soon!
Enjoy the heat
Picadilly, NB, Canada