BIG monitor time
OK, when I quit my job recently I recieved a monster of a payout check for my remaining vacation time. I want to get a really good monitor for editing pictures and was looking at 24 inch flat screens. I would like to know if anyone has any recommendations on good ones. I have looked at the Dell and HP ones.
i have a friend who got the dell 24- it had some really wierd banding going on, never could calibrate it right.
nikolai uses these - check w/ him if he's getting better results.
i'm really happy with apple 23" cinema display.
i'm moving this to the photofinish, gear forum.
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I posted some shots of it here. Initial specs are here. I upgraded the wireless and graphics card, but other than that it's still pretty much an original configuration. I like the wide monitor, very comfortable for PS work:-)
Why? It got only so-so review:
The Dell got better reviews:
Not saying "YOU'RE WRONG" Just wondering what is good about it. I just want to buy a darn good monitor to edit on
Esp. if I you didn't have prior experience with large LCD monitors:
They may all look pretty showing professionally prepared images of beautiful vistas or dazzling powerpoint presentations.
But the real test is how they display the text.
I'm nost saying that color accuracy is unimportant, but all other things being equal, TEXT (especially small-to-normal font size range) accuracy is numero uno.
However, never ever trust what PCWorld says about cameras or imaging software. :nah
The ViewSonic doesn't have all the frills that the Dell FPW2405 seems to have, but for TV, I'll watch a real TV. The Dell also seems to have some problems being too bright. And card readers are only $15 alone, so go for the superior imaging.
PCWorld should have a review on their site somewhere about the VS.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Already have a reader for cards
There's only one way to go for me. I can't see the point in compromising. I'm saving my pennies for a 30" Apple Cinema Display.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I'm looking at the VS 23" myself, but haven't found a retailer around here that has one in stock to look at as yet.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
The monitor I linked to got Maximum PC's Kick Ass rating. This is the same magazine that gave Smug Mug a Kick Ass rating and the reason I joined.
Their reviews are highly respected by computer geeks as is the magazine.
I recently purchased a new dell 2505 and yes, as delivered it is way toooo bright - but after adjusting it . . . WOW, simply fantastic for Photoshop work. Printing on an Epson 1280 and what I see is what I get.
Best $900 I've spent in a loong time.
BTW, the one that shipped with my Dimension 9100 was defective and Dell shipped me a new one overnight. So far, so good (other than the pain in the . . . to re-calibrate)
Strongly recomend it.