smugmug.images.getInfo, smugmug.images.getURLs and Smart Galleries
Here's the scenario, I have a gallery, let's call it "mixed gallery", with images uploaded to it as well as images that pulled into it via smart gallery rules. Some of these pictures that are pulled to the gallery via the smart gallery rule come from galleries that are passworded (i.e. user need a password to enter the gallery). From the web if a user goes into mixed gallery (which by the way is NOT passworded) the user see all the images even ones that are pulled in from passworded galleries via the smart gallery rule.
With all that said here is my question. Using that APIs i call smugmug.images.get and it returns IDs and Keys for all the images in the gallery (including images pulled in via the smart gallery rule). If I call either smugmug.images.getURLs or smugmug.images.getInfo passing the SessionID, ImageID and ImageKey I get a response saying that the password is invalid for the images that come from passworded galleries.
I sort of understand why, but I don't expect this since from the web the user can access the images without having a password as long as they are accessing it via the mixed gallery. Do I need to do something different when I make the call to smugmug.images.getURLs or smugmug.images.getInfo like pass an additional parameter (obviously not the password parameter)?
How do I get this to work?
With all that said here is my question. Using that APIs i call smugmug.images.get and it returns IDs and Keys for all the images in the gallery (including images pulled in via the smart gallery rule). If I call either smugmug.images.getURLs or smugmug.images.getInfo passing the SessionID, ImageID and ImageKey I get a response saying that the password is invalid for the images that come from passworded galleries.
I sort of understand why, but I don't expect this since from the web the user can access the images without having a password as long as they are accessing it via the mixed gallery. Do I need to do something different when I make the call to smugmug.images.getURLs or smugmug.images.getInfo like pass an additional parameter (obviously not the password parameter)?
How do I get this to work?
Here is my HTTP request
And here is my response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
If i throw request that in a browser i get the exact same error. Now, if I add the password parameter retry it I get the response I expect. It appears as though I have to supply the password in order to get this to work.
If anyone needs additional information just let me know.
eg. &Extras=Caption,LargeURL.
Hope this helps,
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
How can I detect this problem via the API?