Upload to Smugmug with FTP
MODERATOR EDIT: This is a 3rd Party app, not built by SmugMug.
Hi guys,
I've built a tool to upload to your Smugmug albums with FTP. Its almost ready. If you are interested to be a beta user, feel free to register on http://smugftp.com Thanks!
Hi guys,
I've built a tool to upload to your Smugmug albums with FTP. Its almost ready. If you are interested to be a beta user, feel free to register on http://smugftp.com Thanks!
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I am only getting this when I click on your link
Sorry guys, it crashed. Its up now. We're still in beta. So for those who don't mind trying beta software, feel free to sign up at smugftp.com. Don't worry, your photos are not affected
Link to my Smugmug site
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Just curious, what sort of errors are encountered for the hop to Smugmug?
A few points to address your concerns
- At any time, you can revoke the right for an app(in this case SmugFTP) to access/write into your account at your SM control panel.
- I'm using Oauth for authentication, I'm not given your actual SM password.
- All passwords are encrypted on the system.
- SmugFTP does not keep your photos. Photos are removed as soon as it gets into SM. If not we do whatever it takes to get it there.
I can't do anything about my country though. Its not fair that being a non-US citizen means I'm likely to be dishonest.
My motivation for doing the app is the frustration with the upload options. I want something fast and reliable. And I do not want to navigate to the page everytime I upload.
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I'm very glad that you've taken the time to develop a solution and share it with us. I'll be doing extensive testing as soon as time allows.
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FireFTP and I currently use SmartFTP to send files to my Processor....I personally do not want to have to download another piece of software to upload to my own Galleries...I am not saying not to do it...but the option has alwys been there and SM just need to open the door for FIREFTP or any other FTP Client that people already have.....I think I saw mention by Andy that he is using or has used You Send it..........I would think he would have called on the troops years ago to open this door.
As paying clients we should not have had to ask for or do a feature request, soince FTP is nearly as old as modern computers to start with............
The FTP protocol, enabling file transfers between remote systems, was first published as a "Request for Comments" (a collection of technical and organizational notes about the Internet) on April 16, 1971. Since it's inception, FTP has been the standard protocol used to transfer files between remote computers.
FTP is PROVEN...and has been PROVEN for over 40 yrs.......should I link to the whole history of FTP
What I don't understand is why you're complaining about "but still we don't really need another upload service, since EVERYONE at Smugmug loves Mozilla and other open source apps." and "As paying clients we should not have had to ask for or do a feature request, soince FTP is nearly as old as modern computers to start with............" when this is a service contributed by a user.
I did not have to google it, I already knew it:D.....My complaint is and has been ...FTP is a STANDARD and has been since 1971.....as such it should have been an option when SM 1st went online .......and also because it is a tried and proven standard with nearly 40yrs sustainability behind it....there is no need for a frustrated SMUGMUG user to have to try and write code so he can ftp with HIS/HER uploader, it is a waste of his/her time, not to mention having to test it fix the probs and then have to maintain his/her code .....FREE FTP uploaders have been around for several decades...........it would have been simple logic to have the standard in place or if it was a true oversight...get it in place as soon as the first upload complaint came in....it is simple logic.
By the way, versus the # of customers we have and the huge number of full-res images we're taking in every single day, the number of complaints we have about uploading is extremely, extremely, low.
If you're having trouble of any kind, we can help. Heroes are standing by 365 days a year (we don't sleep!) http://smugmug.com/help/emailreal
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Well, if you're that familiar with FTP, then you'll know some of the issues with the protocol which have lead to a number of different implementations of both clients and servers to address these issues. There are even a number of different file transfer protocols that are more reliable/faster/have better UI's and so on.
Not sure what the laughy clown face is about and doesn't matter.......
Why exactly is it not in the works????
That is why I said my feature request would PROBABLY not see the light of day.....but FTP is and ahs been a computer standard since 1971..........
Had trouble with the awesome fantastic uploader that was just implemented a shport while ago...it just freakin stopped and I had restart the uploads 4 times...
this probably would not have happened if the uploaders were FTP, not sayin that ftp can't hiccup but my uploads would have started over by them selves when the path was open again...there is a reason why ANSI grants standards to certain applications and not others.......
As to the we never sleep comment.......maybe...doesn't mean you won't get an email saying to hold on it could take a couple days to get anything figured out or that there is only 1 person that knows anything about this it could take a few days....yep I have gotten both.
I've implemented software delivery systems using FTP as the mechanism for file delivery and I can tell you that on a large scale, FTP is unreliable. There are any number of reasons it just won't work; most of which are related to corporate networking. Different FTP clients behave differently; some report failure when the file was successfully downloaded, short writes occur, the client stops for some reason (network latency, etc.). Firewalls block the range of ports used by FTP, etc. The list is long and I've dealt with all of them.
You mention your client restarts. That is not the normal behavior and something added by a developer to help insure success. The same is true for clients and servers that support resumption of downloads when they fail. In both cases, not all FTP clients or servers support these features because they're extensions of the RFC (there are several 114, 765, 959, 2228, 2640, 2773, 3659, 5797).
FTP is a great tool for the transfer of files but it is not perfect and in large environments, it's not necessarily the best, most reliable or most efficient tool for the job.
FTP is not an ANSI standard either. It may be written in an ANSI standard language but even that does not guarantee perfection.
I signed up for a Exposure Manager account years ago when I couldn't deal with SM's upload issues anymore. They have a WONDERFUL ftp implementation that SM could adopt if they wanted. I would've switched to EM if SM didn't implement videos around the same time. Video implementation was another problem I was facing at the time. When SM added video support and it fit seamlessly into my workflow, I stayed. But it was really close.
Bottom line is probably said best as, "love SM or leave it".
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And because FTP is a standard that is based on clients and servers, you can use whatever type of ftp client you want to connect to a server--the built-in client on windows and macs, filezilla, cuteftp, wsftp, bulletproof, and many others. And because all these clients are standard and so is the server, the upload process won't just 'break' like it does with the current system when something is accidentally or purposely changed.
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As far as ftp being a standard in fact I'm not so sure. I've had problems with ftp server/clients being unhappy with each other. Although it probably not as big an issue for 'tog, using an ftp client from inside of a corp. network can sometimes be a big issue. Also I've found that hotel internets access often has trouble with anything other than http.
An there are lots of ftp clients to choose from, but that in itself is part of the problem. Ftp clients need to be configured and you have to know where the buttons are. They are a real hassle for help desks in that they end up have to handhold users through an app that neither has ever used before.
Some of the ftp sites I've dealt with in the past require a particular ftp client because of this and the won't support you if you don't. I remember in the past one site I had to deal with and couldn't get uploads to work. The said I *had* to switch to a particurlar ftp client and that must be the problem. I did and when we finally got things working it was their site that was messed up.
So I can see why SmugMug might not want to have an ftp site if only because of the support issues. I also don't think it would make the uploads any faster or more reliable.
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