Critique wanted
Good or Bad, these are from my second attempt at motorbike racing shot in raw, I am wondering if i need a faster shutter speed
Taken with 10D 70-200 F4L and 1.4x
1. F9.5 iso 400/ 246mm/ 1/250

2. F9.5 /iso 400/ 280mm/1/250400/ 280mm/1/250

3. same as above

Thanks for looking
Taken with 10D 70-200 F4L and 1.4x
1. F9.5 iso 400/ 246mm/ 1/250

2. F9.5 /iso 400/ 280mm/1/250400/ 280mm/1/250

3. same as above

Thanks for looking
Hi Gary,
Your shots look fine at 1/250.
You could try anything from 1/60(or slower) to 1/500 and see from the results what you prefer from within these settings.
I'd shoot faster first to get my eye in sync. then try slower settings if you feel confident that your panning is accurate.
I think you could work on your shots a bit more in post. I've messed about for only a few seconds(hope u don't mind I'll delete in a week or so) but think you could bring out more colour.
What do you think?
I was out at a National Grasstrack Championship on Sunday shooting a 200mm +1.4 so 280mm at between 1/100 and 1/320 at anything between f5.6 to f11 at iso 100 and later 200 as it got darker.
I shot this for example at 280mm f7.1 1/200 iso200.
Hope I've mumbled something usefull...
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Nice work, and you're panning results are better than mine. A question for you...How do you find the 70-200 F4 with the TC? I plan to get the L lens but unsure on getting a TC for it.
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
Lindsay Thompson
The panning shots are great. Re post processing, I was dragged kicking and screaming into the pp world. You don't need to do a lot to the pics at the start. Photoshop elements 3 is a reasonably priced package. Most pics of bikes, in my very humble opinion, need extra saturation. Bikers wear colourful leathers and if you do an auto levels and up saturation by 10-15%, and add a small bit of sharpening you should have a pic that you can see the difference in.
here's an example:
original pic:
the most recent version, cropped. I did a levels and added 5% contrast, 15% or so saturation, a bit of sharpening.
I am an absolute amateur at photoshop and they look fairly decent. I really would encourage you to use some form of photoshop, your pics won't stand out without a little bit of work. This forum is fantastic for help, if you get stuck ask for help. someone will always assist.
I do use elements 2, but these were shot in raw and after converting them which took me forever i uploaded them without trying photoshop i will have a go on some of them