Not that Cubddly
The Koala ( Phasclarctos Cinereus ) Wich roughly translated means "don't let it run up your leg."
Canon 50D 55-200 Tamron Lens
*Koalas aren't bears as many people are led to believe. They aren't even related to bears. The koala is a Marsupial having a pouch to raise the young". They can sleep for 20hrs a day and eat toxic Eucalypt leaves. The Aboriginie (Native Australian) Name given them is Koala which means no drink. as the moisture they require comes from the leaves.
Canon 50D 55-200 Tamron Lens
*Koalas aren't bears as many people are led to believe. They aren't even related to bears. The koala is a Marsupial having a pouch to raise the young". They can sleep for 20hrs a day and eat toxic Eucalypt leaves. The Aboriginie (Native Australian) Name given them is Koala which means no drink. as the moisture they require comes from the leaves.
For since the creation of the world Gods invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that We are without excuse,(Romans 1:20)
Claws, well don't want to try those out for a
Lovely Image
"Osprey Whisperer"
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Had the privilege of holding a Koala once, years back. Kind of like holding a large brick with a soft coating. And claws.
Excellent capture! NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"