can you suggest an online matt supplier
Can anyone here recommend a good online matt supplier?
Ive been searching but I thought someone here may have personal experience with some.
Im looking for good quality but more importantly cheap prices.
Ive been searching but I thought someone here may have personal experience with some.
Im looking for good quality but more importantly cheap prices.
Two that I use are:
Both offer a variety with reasonable shipping charges.
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You want good, archival, or just some flat colored cardboard type stuff with a hole in it?
Frame Destination has high quality archival mats and a line of decorative non archival mats.
I use redimat all the time (they are local to me) and love their mats and service.
I use redimat as well. Just started using them this past summer and extremely satisfied with their products.
edited to add:
They offer all I need from precut boards, backing and clearbags. great selection and great prices.