Monitor calibration
Deceieded to purchase an Epson Printer for some fine art printing .. made all the usual checkoffs in Light Room .. paper profiles etc but have run into a reddish tinge to the prints .. Have never calibrated my monitor .. have always been happy with Smug [ I know this begs alot of ?'s ] .. need to find a solution ... don:rolleyes
<== Mighty Murphy, the wonder Bouv!
Carry on.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
You can't soft proof in LR and without a calibrated monitor soft proofing wouldn't necessarily get you where you want to go.
What printer did you get? What settings are you using? Are you printing a color image or B&W? What color space are you using? What paper?
Can you post a link to the image? I and others can let you know if they see a red cast in the image. That will help determine if the issue is in the monitor / image processing or in the printing.
This relates to a different printer and may not solve your problem but reading your post reminded me of my situation, maybe it will help.
I have a canon pixma pro 9500 and for a while I was having problems with a magenta cast on all the prints, I double checked the monitor calibration and did lots of test prints with various settings to try and correct it. It turned out to be nothing to do with calibration, when I finally thought to do a diagnostic test print from the printer driver it showed that one of the print heads was blocked.
I had to run the deep cleaning cycle 2 or 3 times to unblock the heads but now it works great. With hindsight I should have realized that what i was seeing on the prints was too bad to be just a calibration issue.
Anyway just an idea it won't do any harm to run a test print