
How is your business organized?

George07748George07748 Registered Users Posts: 30 Big grins
edited January 26, 2011 in Mind Your Own Business
Hi! I'm an advanced amateur who's been doing things for free for some time and I'm contemplating stepping gingerly into selling some of my work. I have not yet decided how... maybe setting up a small studio, maybe microstock, maybe occasional gigs, et. While I certaintly plan on keeping my day job (so I can afford the big toys), I want to think carefuly before proceeding on this path.

I realize that there are definitely tax implications (hobby, business, etc.) and probably insurance implications....

So I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share how they have organized their photography business. Is it a sole propritorship, a partnership, or corporation? Do you treat it as a hobby?

What am I missing?



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    Cygnus StudiosCygnus Studios Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2011
    Your best bet would be to sit down with an accountant to determine what works best for you. Every business is different, laws and tax codes are different.

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