Problem replacing photos - again
Is anybody else having problems replacing photos? I have tried both Mozilla and IE this evening to replace photos. Unlike the last time this happened to me, this time I am actually getting an error message. It is telling me there was a problem uploading the image, would I like to try again. I tried again, and I am still getting that error message.
It is order #
Order #2029357
I have 4 days left in my Proof delay, so I am not hysterical, YET, but I have 4 more orders I have to replace photos on.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Penny J Wills.
It is order #
Order #2029357
I have 4 days left in my Proof delay, so I am not hysterical, YET, but I have 4 more orders I have to replace photos on.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Penny J Wills.
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I recently had this problem, too. I had converted some lighthouse images from aRGB to sRGB for post-processing and saved them (I thought) as sRGB after processing. I kept getting the same error message as you. When I checked the processed images, I found the color profile had not been saved as sRGB and that caused the upload error. Apparently SM is no longer accepting aRGB uploads and converting them to sRGB. I changed/saved the images as sRGB (and verified the save) and the uploads to my lighthouse gallery then worked fine.
The SM support folks will get you squared away, but I suggest you check the saved color space as a first step, even if you are "sure" (as I was) that you converted and saved to sRGB.