Problem with sharing a single photo
I am trying to share some photos over on Facebook of my nephew (who is 11) from when he was newborn until this past year.
For some reason, in this one album, it refuses to let me grab a link for a single photo. It is like it's in a preview pain. I can download it to my computer, but I just want the link to the photo :dunno :huh
Photos from before 2005
various cameras
I read the help files and it said in some layouts sharing isn't available. However it didn't state which layouts. I always do thumbnails all on one page, anytime I have a large album. I tried it with just so many per page and still no luck.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
For some reason, in this one album, it refuses to let me grab a link for a single photo. It is like it's in a preview pain. I can download it to my computer, but I just want the link to the photo :dunno :huh
Photos from before 2005
various cameras
I read the help files and it said in some layouts sharing isn't available. However it didn't state which layouts. I always do thumbnails all on one page, anytime I have a large album. I tried it with just so many per page and still no luck.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
From there you can grab a link, by clicking on "Copy"
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No, all of my other folders look like that, and the copy button and I are good friends
and lets see if you can see this photo.... it too, looks weird and I can't get the jpg
Something came up about Lightbox which I do not own....
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