"Non-PP" challenge 48 question

Some of the ideas I contemplate require multiple radically bracketed exposures of the same scene with the goal of combining their proper parts into the final image. Kinda like HDR but maybe with some more manual masking and merging.
Would this violate the "no extensive post processing" challenge 48 policy?:dunno
Would this violate the "no extensive post processing" challenge 48 policy?:dunno
"May the f/stop be with you!"
no it won't. the idea here is to cut out the use of photo filters, plugins, most actions, and cloning, heavy image manipulation.
things that mimic what one would do in the traditional (film world) process are fine: multiple exposures, dodging/burning, toning, etc...
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just thought I would ask.
sensor spots are okay to clone/clean/fix but i'd rather see you clean your sensor
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Then I continue to contemplate:-)
Nik, just think of it as, if you can do it without a computer, it's game. I've been thinking of some maybe similar things using multi-flash / long exposure.
I'd draw the line at cropping, cloning. But then I don't know if I'd really know where to draw the line. Ever been in a color darkroom? I mean a pro one. What can you do with PS that those guys couldn't do? Curves? Forget about it. Sharpening? That's an old darkroom technique.
Composting and cloning, well those really are hard without a computer.
And we all know what a crop is, even if it is a classic darkroom technique.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com
No RAW? If you allow ACR with CS2 you might as well allow all of PS.
Oh and on top of that to make it as close to an old fashioned mail in photocontest, no previews, or posts with what do you think of this, that and the other, just one post, to the thread, that stays there once posted. Lets imagine it is 1980 or so. People are using the current tool to the best of its ability, but it also creates complacency, and for a one time, old fashioned one 'mail' photocontest, I think it will be a lot of fun, and very challenging. It will make the 'contestants' think before they post.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com
cloning, pasting, copying, merging other elements, all NOT allowed.
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I think they were talking about a hypothetical non-PP challenge.
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oh. well slap me silly
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After a little thought, I think the cell phone picture challenge has possibilities, but none of the others.
Could be sort of an alt-challnege. Prize: you cell phone picture printed huge by yours truly. Scary, eh?
I'm game,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
I find this debate amusing. You people amaze me. We have all embraced the digital technology. We spend considerable time, effort & expense collecting and learning to use the wealth of software c/w plug-ins, hardware, etc. The list is endless, (just ask my wife). To have a digital contest where you can’t use 95% of the available technology, which is already acceptable in most venues is odd.
You appear to be saying that an image with minimal pp can’t compete with an image that has significant pp. If so, why don’t you think that it can? When it comes down to a vote of popularity to choose a winner I don’t think it should matter about the amount of pp. The people will decide the winner based on personal tastes, feeling, etc. To say that it’s a “test of people’s talents at the time of capturing the image” is futile. There is a diverse group of digital cameras out there with a myriad of settings. There are even more shooting styles, from the minimal settings raw format shooter to the heavily filtered point & shoot.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
I think (and Andy confirmed) non-PP only means you don't merge multiple shots, don't add heavy drawings and don't go crazy with curves, i.e. mostly concentrate on the composition and subject rather than on PS/PSP's bells and whistles. I personally find it fair, especially after STF challenges, where "fantasy ppl" IMHO go overboard with computer-aided graphics.
I agree, it's all art, but it's different art, and as such it cannot be judged the same way. Hence - some restrictions, very mild ones I'd say..
Just my 0.000002 of f/stop
Is that allowed?
Or maybe put like this, If I can sharpen the pic some, can I blur it also?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.