I shot some deer
... in my yard with my 20D and 100-400. 

I have a real love/hate relationship with these critters.
They're awfully cute. But they're hard on the landscape.
Notice how skinny they are. The population is out of control and there are no predators.
Pictures were taken in the early evening at ISO1600, wide open at f5.6. I think that was the right call.
Thanks for looking.

I have a real love/hate relationship with these critters.
They're awfully cute. But they're hard on the landscape.
Notice how skinny they are. The population is out of control and there are no predators.
Pictures were taken in the early evening at ISO1600, wide open at f5.6. I think that was the right call.
Thanks for looking.
did you say in your yard, well then not only are these good but you are one lucky Kdog indeed!!
IMHO these could benefit from a tad less exposure.
I really like the first one and last one with the catch light and tongue action is great!!
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I just moved from Northern Ca. and they were a problem in the SF Bay area Mountain Lions were comming back but that led to it's own set of problems some locals would tranq and relocate others would just put them down. I never got a good shot of one but ran across a few on hikes they are one magnificent animal.
Other areas where wolves were the primary preditor are in bigger trouble their populations are totally destroyed.
I don't think we are doing the deer population any good by not allowing hunting if we destroy the preditor something has to take its place if not hunters then stravation and desease.
I am not a hunter but seeing deer with their ribs showing when they should be at their plumpest makes you wonder how many will live through the lean times:cry
I will get off my non-PC horse now:uhoh
Thanks for the post
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Where in Norcal were you? We moved to NY from Northern CA two years ago as well. Small world, eh? We lived in San Jose in the Almaden Valley, against the Loma Prieta mountains. Lots of wild boar, deer, rattlers, and mountain lions as well. The mountain lions are really elusive. I've spotted them briefly only a couple of times while bush-wacking. Anybody who's seen them is lucky indeed. I know what you mean about the starving deer. It's a real dilemma.
The shots were taking with a Canon 20D, and 100-400 zoom.
Take care,
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found this guy eating choke cherries next to my garage the other night
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Andy, thanks for the welcome. Great shot! Funny, I don't recall seeing property like that in NYC.
I do have the RAW's, and played around with the WB a bit. Not really having a clue, and since PSE doesn't have a "dusk" WB setting, I chose cloudy. I also bumped the upper end of the level editor back a bit to get rid of a flat spot to the right end of the bell curve.
Here's a redo of shots 1 & 3 (it's too late to do 'em all.)
I'll include the before and after to make it easier to compare.
Thanks a bunch, man. These look way better to my eye. They actually look like deer now, the grass is green, and my trees aren't blue any more. :giggle
So am I on track here? Is this what you had in mind? Any other tips?
Thanks again,
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(click on the pic to map it)
[imgr]http://williams.smugmug.com/photos/35647181-M.jpg[/imgr]hiya again, joel - hey! much much better - they look really natural. well done. i'm in nyc nearly every day but i live outside of the city, in westchester county.
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Hey, you're just across the river from me.
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