SCA soccer
This is my first post of one of my sports photos, coments appreciated.

Here are more if you want to look.

Here are more if you want to look.
Nice work. Look forward to seeing some more.
Really crisp shot. It jumps off the monitor
I will start off saying I see alot of potential, the colors are rich, you are focusing tight on the action.
In addition to the background being busy...think of getting faces. There is alot of emotion in this shot, and one face is sideways the other is in the shadow and most of her body is cut off. What is the story that is being told by this photo?
This one is great, has faces, clean background, tight shot, great action with the ball.
This one is pretty good too, but dont crop too tight. Cropping unfortunatly isnt a hard and fast rule, but you just cut off her toes......leave all the action in there, or crop way tight is how i feel but others may feel diffently.
For the most part people are not interested in backsides...unless it is for some reason, dramtic effect etc.
like so:
Faces in sports are going to tell as much of the story as the action itself.
Sometimes you will want to crop people out like in this one the guy kicking the ball wasnt as important (to me) as the face my friend Jason was i left the left of the kicker in.....but cut out the rest.
So now the focus is on my friends Jason reaction.
Ideally I wouldnt want that kind of background, but I have been regulated back to hte other side of the fence and no longer have the free moving ablity I had I dont get the chance to shoot down field....But sports like soccer and laxcross my favorite places to stand are at the corners, you gte the play action heading towards you so you get faces. Also with soccer I will shoot towards the middle maybe one quarter of the way up, so you can still get play action heading towards you (long way on the field, so if the background is garabage by using a low F you will have it blurred out) but also by moving closer to the middle of the field is wher you will get alot of the good header shots (lax I think most of my great shots came from the corners of the field, I will only shoot from the middle to get some face off action).
I hope my critism hasnt offened you, I wish people would tear my stuff up.
I will say this, you arent not afriad to shoot close, which is good, you seem to have a good eye for action which is good, your colors and compostition with in the frames is good.
Just think faces, clean backgrounds, and sometimes not so tight on the play action and you will have some awesome photos.
Of course we are "too kind"
Super pics and feedback BTW
BTW, we like you and appreciate your input too much to rip your pics. Plus, I'd think that you'd get enough "ripping" at
SO rip my stuff up...please!!! I have never been a challange my stuff cant be all that good.
When ever I comment I tried to do the same thing as I do when I train comment on both positives and negatives (its the same way I would like it) you need to know what you are doing right, so you keep doing it and you need to know what you are doing wrong so you can fix it.
Unfortunatly alot of photograhpy is open to you have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them.