How about a re-shoot with someone peeking into the washer from above. Until I read the comments, I didn't realize that the camera was INSIDE the machine.
Kate "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
How about a re-shoot with someone peeking into the washer from above. Until I read the comments, I didn't realize that the camera was INSIDE the machine.
Does it have to be one or the other? I did mine so that the viewer could decide if it was unique or ordinary based on their opinions/beliefs. I've been wondering which way minds are going.
I'm so out of it today that I initially wondered how Wally climbed in there and got that shot. I need sleep.
I also was having a "DUH" moment....I wondered the same thing..
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
I thought about that but it gives too much away.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
The washer is perfect for ordinary, yet the POV is unique--so which is it?
EDIT: "Use your creativity to communicate the theme ..."
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
I'm so out of it today that I initially wondered how Wally climbed in there and got that shot. I need sleep.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Eerrrrr, something...
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr