senior portraits, quickie in newsweek magazine

here's the linky
we've gone from this

to this...
image courtesy of jim fuglestad gallery

and it seems that there are some seniors, and parents, that are willing to go to great lengths for that senior shot...
is this a good thing? as photographers, yeah sure - the take on a senior portrait session has gone from so-so to some-serious-money... but...
:ear discuss.
we've gone from this

to this...
image courtesy of jim fuglestad gallery

and it seems that there are some seniors, and parents, that are willing to go to great lengths for that senior shot...
is this a good thing? as photographers, yeah sure - the take on a senior portrait session has gone from so-so to some-serious-money... but...
:ear discuss.
Your only a senior once right
What is a 'senior', I presume it has something to do with education? Round here it would be used to refer to a more elderly person...
Sorry for the discussion distraction,
here in the u.s., luke, it's grade 12 - the last year of "high school" and right before entering university or college...
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Is this you Andy? And can I use this on the site?
I am embarrassed to say I caught myself misinterpreting the comparison of the two pictures. For a moment there, I let myself think the before/after photos were of the same person, as if they showed the before/after of a particularly impressive sex change operation.
(Also, her black tank top disappears into the black background, which I found to be odd.)
I'm not saying that creative portraits shouldn't be in the mix. On the contrary, I'd say the more pictures the better! But, I think there's a place for a classic portrait and it should be in the official class yearbook.
yeah i'll get right on that
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I think the classic portrait for the school yearbook is fine. It's even impportant for the year book as a compilation to have a "standard" sameness to the pictures.
Beyond that, I think the young people and their families deserve what the senior portraits can be.
If done well they can catch that moment in a persons life where they make the transition from child to adult. This time in a young persons life is so important. The portraits should try to catch who they are at this time. Their personality should come through in the photos.
When I see the standard yearbook picture, I always think "thats not who this kid is". It doesn't show who they have been, or who they are becomming.
But in all seriousness, this is market driven. Seniors no longer want these boring pictures we had when we were kids. And that's good. They want to remember their age and years fondly not with some geeky picture.
Regarding the cost... well, it's more expensive. Many want on location, several changes... how can you do that for a $25 settings and 8x10? It just can't be done. Truly, it's hard enough to make a living as a photographer the way it is.
My nephew actually drove down to Minneapolis from Fargo on Sunday because he wanted me to take his sr. pics and do something different than everyone else up there... here are a couple from that shoot, and the whole thing here...
And my personal favorite of the night....
And my all-time favorite sr. photo... oh, and she's wearing a woolly sweater!
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Oh, and also, dealing with the parents of seniors is BY FAR my least desirable client "type". I would like it so much better if the parents would just let the kids deal with it themselves. Funny... these kids are about to go out on their own, but their mom's almost completely control the shoot. I hardly ever deal with the students, even after the shoot is done.
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To me, this picture reflects the trends of the day. How many shows do you see on TV that have interesting tilty panning, camera on the shoulder kind of look to them? Why not embrace them as art? I think it'd be cool if my senior pics could have hung in an art gallery (they couldn't, but that's because I'm a geek ... seriously).
Then again, maybe what's old is new again:D
I want to say, though, that I really miss seeing and being able to immerse myself in Jim's photography. It has always grabbed me and I wonder how I can influence you, Jim, to post here a little more often?!
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thanks for popping in, jim!
so i think it's a good thing - it shows where the culture is going - less "do it this way, cookie-cutter" and more "let me, be me..." i like the change, good for the kids and good for we photograpers, too
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84 huh? College? Really, are you only two years old then me?
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oops 1980 senior in h.s.
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:yikes senior moments already? where's my ginkgo biloba? oh i forgot.....
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Thanks again, maybe I'll round up a few of my recent favorites and make a post. :-)
Hope all is well!
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No glint of bling on the earlobe??
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen