EpsonPrinter 2880 Grayed Out Dialog box
In the printer dialog box of my Epson 2880 printer .. when I go to current settings .. photo is grayed out . also the photo papers are grayed out as expected .. but the mat papers will allow a selection .. need to know how to move from the mat papers to photo papers . snowed in:
printing in lightroom 3
printing in lightroom 3
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
effect of either of the cartridges . like drying up... thanks for your help don ,,
Just give the cartridge a gentle shake and it should be fine if stored properly. In fact, always give a cartridge a gentle shake when inserting one into the printer.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Sometimes it takes a bit of messing with to get it to recognize the new black ink. You need to open and close the dialog box a few times. I wish that interface was easier.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
The cartridges are self-sealing, since they're designed to be swapped, but I put them in a plastic zip bag anyway while in storage. As for long term, they are still supposed to be used up before the date printed on them.