Elements 7 and Raw Medium
I got my new 7D a month ago and my Elements 7 would not accept the raw files. I upgraded my Raw plug in and was good to go. Last night I shot a wrestling event and to save space on my card I shot raw medium for the first time. Tried to upload and again no go. Given that I allready upgraded the raw plug in I'm not sure what to do. Ideas?
I do not understand your issue, though, as I use LR3 or Adobe Camera Raw, (both current versions ) and the both import, open and edit standard full size RAW files from my 7D, as well as the smaller size RAW files as well, without any complaints or burps. Are you sure Elements 7 supports these file sizes as well also?
I would ask Adobe about this issue, as this forums primary purpose is discussing image processing.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
At Adobe I read something to the affect that the med and small are not really raw and that is why my ACR 5.5 does not recognize them. Also sounded like at Elements 8 or 9 they were recognized. Does not make sense to me as 5.5 was supposed to support my 7D.
I may have to do an upgrade, I guess.
from sRAW - the text is the pixel size of the image 2048 x 3072 = 6.3 Mpxls
from mRAW - 2731 x 4096 = 11.2 Mpxls
from RAW - 3456 x 5184 = 17.9 Mpxls
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I edit almost all of my images in LR3, rather than ACR these days, but the RAW engine is the same, and I cannot see any difference between the files.
The three images I put up, I edited the sRAW, and then used the Synchronize button so that all three files sRAW, mRAW, and RAw were each edited exactly with identical settings in ACR. I brought them into CS5, added the typewritten data, and a bit of an S curve, and saved them as 8 bit sRGB jpgs.
The full size files are available here - http://pathfinder.smugmug.com/gallery/1789718_YdTAs#1176561426_ob4cE
Take a gander, and decide for yourself if they look different. All three shot in Manual mode, handheld, 1/400th, f8, ISO 100, with a Tamron 28-300 zoom lens, through a glass window.
I agree that it seems unfair that Elements will edit full size RAW files froma 7D, but not the smaller RAW files.. CS5 and LR3 certainly do.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin