Your camera setting. (kind of a poll)

davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
edited September 22, 2005 in Wildlife
I'm interested in the settings that you use for nature pics, and if you use filters.
This includes the so called point and shoot cameras. Many of them have the same settings as DSLR's.

I look at the photos here and sometimes feel that my pics are a bit lifeless.

So, I'll start. After the line above, this may be a "What not to do" list.:D

One of the things I forgot, (but may of you mentioned) was what camera are you using.
It's not a 'mine is better' thing, but just some more helpfull info.

I use a Canon D Reb 300. For most of my nature shots I use a Sigma 80-400os lens.

I shoot JPG.
90% of the time I'm in aperture piority at F8 (best sharpness for the lenses I use)
I use parameter 1 most of the time. I've tried moving the settings around but I end up back here.
(this would mean contrast +1, sharpness +1, Sat. +1)
ISO 200 most of time. 400 when needed.
I don't use filters. (but I think I should)
Hardly ever use the flash.
I never bracket shots.
Most of the time I shoot hand held. I know if I'd use a tripod or monopod, my % of keepers would go up.

For my post work, I used Photoshop 5.5 for quite a while. Now I use Photoshop Elements 2. (it came with the camera) I think the Element 2 program is better than the old full-blown version. The only thing I really miss are Actions. I do some many repeated steps from pic to pic, having actons again would be nice.

It's a short list, but I can edit it later if I remember any more info.


Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.


  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    davev wrote:
    I'm interested in the settings that you use for nature pics, and if you use filters.
    This includes the so called point and shoot cameras. Many of them have the same settings as DSLR's.

    I look at the photos here and sometimes feel that my pics are a bit lifeless.

    So, I'll start. After the line above, this may be a "What not to do" list.:D

    I shoot JPG.
    90% of the time I'm in aperture piority at F8 (best sharpness for the lenses I use)
    I use parameter 1 most of the time. I've tried moving the settings around but I end up back here.
    (this would mean contrast +1, sharpness +1, Sat. +1)
    ISO 200 most of time. 400 when needed.
    I don't use filters. (but I think I should)
    Hardly ever use the flash.
    I never bracket shots.
    Most of the time I shoot hand held. I know if I'd use a tripod or monopod, my % of keepers would go up.

    It's a short list, but I can edit it later if I remember any more info.

    I shoot in RAW 100%
    I shoot in aperture priority and use EV adjustments
    All camera settings are set to 0. I don't want the camera doing anything but taking the picture and I ill do the rest in my post work
    My ISO settings are usually between ISO 200-400
    I don't use filters for my wildlife shots
    I'm using the flash more now that I have the SB-800 and the BB
    I bracket my shots when I have a subject who is not in motion
    I use some support when using my 500mm for 90% of the time and I shoot my 80-400 lens handheld 100% of the time. If I'm shooting a landscape I will use my tripod most of the time.
    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    Raw 100 %.
    almost always in Aperture priority and use EV adjustments.
    ISO 100-400 mostly
    Never bracket
    Never use the flash

    There is a lot of free gain in PhotoShop. But the learning is a hard slog.

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    I do the same as Harry but with the d70 there is no iso like 200 ,some shoot high iso but i have never had a shot i like above 200 raw 100% apture and sometimes now days manual when i really want to get mad at myself and miss a shot or 2 . light it is always the thing oh and the hunt :D
    Jeff W

  • marlofmarlof Registered Users Posts: 1,833 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    • RAW+JPG 100%
    • In camera settings do some sharpening (only applies to JPG) nothing else; with the sharpening the resulting image can be used -if needed- without PP
    • 80% aperture priority mode, 10% full manual, 10% program mode (flash snapshots)
    • I hardly ever bracket shots
    • ISO 100-800
    • handheld: 80%
    • tripod: 20% (mostly landscape / telezoom)
    • I use the best quality UV filters I could find (since I had them scarred at different locations by sand, it probably is a good idea given my shoting locations)
    • I'm still thinking about a polarizing filter
    enjoy being here while getting there
  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    I shoot in RAW 100%
    I shoot in aperture priority and use EV adjustments
    All camera settings are set to 0. I don't want the camera doing anything but taking the picture and I ill do the rest in my post work
    My ISO settings are usually between ISO 200-640 or higher if necessary (D2Hs is good with noise) but I try to go no higher then 640
    I don't use filters for my wildlife shots
    I'm using the flash more now that I have the SB-800 and the BB
    I bracket my shots when I have a subject who is not in motion
    I use support 98% of the time no matter what lens or subject is.
  • RohirrimRohirrim Registered Users Posts: 1,889 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    Perhaps adding PP info would be interesting as well.

    • Shoot 100% RAW
    • Shoot in Av the vast majority of time, change the aperture depending on what depth of field I'm attempting to get. Use exposure compensation quite a bit.
    • Shoot with some kind of support as often as I can. Usually a tripod, if not I seem to be prone sneeking up on birds a fair bit and the elbows on the ground give pretty good support.xzicon_smile_cool.gif
    • UV filters- mainly for lens protection
    • Try and keep ISO as low as possible. Usually try for 100, will go higher depending on light.
    • Don't use a flash very often, although I think I should.
    • All in Camera settings at 0
    • Only occasionaly bracket shots.
    • Capture One SE for RAW conversion. Used to use ACR but I feel I get better color and detail with Capture One
    • Then Photoshop CS2- most of the time after RAW conversion isjust a bit of sharpening. I have started boosting color saturation in LAB mode more as well for some shots. Usually use USM with a layer mask to selectively sharpen, although sometimes I use Smart Sharpen.
  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    I shoot JPG 95 % of the time.
    90% of the time I'm in aperture piority with the aperature set for the DOF I want
    I dont let the camera adjust anything
    ISO 200 most of time. 400 when needed.
    I use filters. Polarizors, graduated neutral density filters, Infrared filters.
    I use my SB 800 when I have to but shoot available light mst of the time.
    I never bracket shots.
    I shoot handheld most of the time, but commonly use neaby objects for support
  • PatandRichPatandRich Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    I think a lot depends on the camera and brand they all have their own idiosyncrasy

    I use a D70 my wife a D70s here is my settings:
    100% RAW
    ISO 200 95% of the time
    A Mode 90% to keep F between f8 and f16, this depends on the lens I'm using
    Matrix Metering 60% Spot 40% depending on subject and lighting
    Use tripod or monopod 80% of the time to keep the f stop where I want it
    EV alot depending on lighting and subject
    Basic Camera Settings set to 0
    Idiot mode set to vivid 10% of the time
    Use polarizer for landscape but not for Wildlife
    Most shots outdoor in natural light when flash needed use onboard. The SB600 is low on my wish list.

    My Wife's settings are similar but she doesn't change her lens so she shoots in S mode all the time and shoots Vivid 90% of the time. She likes the punched up colors of vivid. The lens she mostly uses is the Tamron 28-300.

    Don't know if it will help but that is our settings
  • Crvtte65Crvtte65 Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited September 21, 2005
    I shoot JPEG
    ISO 200-400 unless shooting pictures in a bar where I crank it to 800+ (although that was before the SB-800)
    A Mode choosing depth I want
    Tripod for night/landscape low light shots
    UV Filter for outdoors, polarizer most of the time only near water
    Flash using more and more, indoors and out
    Bracket when doing landscape and when making pano's
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2005
    Thanks for the replies folks. I think I can take a few things from here and try
    them out.

    Thanks again.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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