smugup not listing Album ID

I've been using v1.1 for some time and just notice today it isn't listing the Album ID: for the known albums. Is anyone else having this problem? Any ideas?
I just noticed it is in the url as a number, now I'll have to read up on how to edit this script to work or gather a new listing unless there are any experts out there willing to look this over.
The script has a hardcoded API key and user agent string. You pass login credentials on the command line.
The script first logs in and gets a session ID, then tries to list the albums, using that session ID. (You can also pass an album ID on the command line, but that's besides the point for purposes of the problem at hand.)
The script logs in successfully and gets a session ID. But, when the script then tries to list the album IDs, it gets an "Invalid API Key" error.
The weird thing is that I can paste the URLs into Firefox, and it works. The first URL gets me a session ID, and I paste that into the second URL and into Firefox, and I get a list of albums. But when the script does it, it fails. The URLs look identical to me.