Give me my money back

Smugmug really has let me down , not for the first time , 1,655 of my URLS are not now seen by Google as they are restricted by the robots.txt file , my images have all but dissapeared from the search engines , 347 of my URLS are now unreachable and all i get from Smugmug are lame excuses and the refusal to refund my hard earned money , i know what programme i will not be recommending to my friends , poor show Smugmug , or am i the mug for paying you money ????? :pukeMakes me sick !!!
SmugMug sites get unbelievably high search results. ONe thing that Google may not like is the overdone # of spammy search words here in the album description - dunno if you've done that throughout your site. It's far better to put a more real, more potent album description there. Have you done everything we suggest here? ?
If you're of a mind to leave, I don't want to stop you - and I'll be happy to work with you, just write me, ATTN: Andy
But I'd love to see you stay, and get your SEO improved.
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The URLs that are being removed are ones I can almost guarantee you do not want traffic going to. We are trying to make things better here. We monitor our traffic religiously and we are plugging some holes that are sending traffic to places you really don't want it to go.
- Greg
Sorry Andy , but this is now totally rubbish , i now have over two thousand urls restricted by robots.txt and 312 not found , see my screenshots taken today , this has gone from bad to worse , i live beside one of the top web page designers in Ireland and he agrees that there is something dramaticly wrong , please try and get this sorted out once and for all as it is not right , you know it and i know it regards Joe
And there is more Andy , the pages denied by robots.txt , when i put them onto the Google " fetch as Googleboot" they all come up as " Denied by Robots.txt" are you trying to tell me that after several months with my pages going reasonbly well and only a few alterations that suddenly over 2,000 urls are now denied by Google and this is my fault ??............. not according to expert web designers who all agree that there is something wrong with the way that the robot.txt is written ..............please sort this out soon ........Regards Joe
As Greg posted, we're making mods to the whole sitemaps thing, and what Googlebot crawls on your site. We just need you to be patient. In the meantime, SEO on SmugMug continues to rise. And I've offered you assistance by email from the help desk, if you'd' like it. Or should I close that ticket? Thanks.
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I am not sure you are reading what I am saying entirely. It is fully expected that these URLs would no longer appear in your sitemaps. Do you really want us sending traffic to pages that do not showcase your photography, or allow people to buy them?
Click this URL: -- as you can see there are 11,700 pages in Google's index for your site. We are continually making changes and adjustments to increase this number - and more important to drive traffic to more relevant pages.
I wish we had the ability to leave your website's SEO in the state it is now - and let everyone else enjoy the improvements that are being made. That seems to be what you want (why I do not know). But, unfortunately it is just not possible.
- Greg
keywords and pages from my family galleries in which every one is password protected.
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I will look into this next week, that does sound strange. Thanks for letting us know about it!
- Greg
navbars? Also 13 out of the first 20 Significance keywords are from my family
My Website index | My Blog
Yes i can see all that you see , none of my images now appear on Google , thats what i see !!!!........... seems money wasted with Smugmug , all the time my urls are being restricted by robots.txt , i did not create the robots.txt , your company did , thats what i see ,this url is a small image of a boat denied by robots.txt want more ?? here is another one again denied by robots.txt , solution????????????? get it fixed or refund my money with compensation , simple solution .....Joe
Hi, the rejected urls are not in ANY WAY affecting images being picked up by Google Image Search. That is completely different thing.
I've already communicated with you from the help desk, we'd love you to stay but if you've a mind to leave, just reply to my note, thanks.
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Yes, we continue to work on improving findability of images via Google Image Search (this is TOTALLY different than the awesome level of SEO and findability for SmugMug sites and galleries and pages).
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The rejected URLS which i have shown you contain the images and keywords of that image , and YES they are affecting my image score in Google , i have not recieved any note from you , you know my e-mail address , do i want the info in the url seen by Google , yes of course i do !!!!! it contains the info about that image and my site along with the TWO THOUSAND other urls from my site that Google cannot pick up because of the restricted robots.txt and it seems my site is not the only one being affected .. something is wrong somewhere and it is not of my doing ......Regards Joe
They do not affect Google Image Search one bit.
I and Greg Saylor (our engineer) replied to your ticket #227913 on Feb 3. We've emailed you from our help desk.
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So, some URLs should be restricted. Plus, if Smugmug allows Google to find each image 10 different ways, that also costs 10x more to handle the Google spiders which can (and has in the past) affected site performance as the spiders went nuts crawling duplicate things that didn't really need to be crawled.
As for what smugmug is actually working on and what acknowledged issues they have right now, it would be a whole lot easier for everyone if they'd just explain what's going on and why. Obviously there are issues. Obviously they are working on something related to this. A little communication about what is actually being worked on and why (specifics, not generalities) and when some results can be expected could help a lot with anxious customers.
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That's precisely what we're doing here
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If you want to point me to any post in this thread from anyone that says specifically what issues you are fixing and when customers can expect to see those fixes, I'd be happy to read it.
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This thread, and other threads with active sitemap questions. We've answered and addressed them every day.
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MANY posts from us were in 'robots txt unreachable' thread. I've closed that thread and put a pointer to this sticky
We've been ON TOP of this thank you.
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you can also go here,
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Hi. I'm sorry you are upset, and you don't seem to be willing to allow us to further improve things. If you wish, reply to my offer by email from the help desk, and we'll handle things from there.
Otherwise, we'd love you to stay. Please have patience while we improve even further how Google crawls SmugMug sites.
SEO on SmugMug is VERY VERY HIGH! Go search for my name. There's a very famous singer that has the same name :uhoh yet I land on page one of Google results.
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First off, I'm not a Smugmug employee, so these are just my own comments:
When someone Googles for your photos, do you want the resulting links to go to the photo as seen in its actual gallery, or to the photo in the midst of a keyword gallery that doesn't have the same look and feel or settings as the gallery that actually contains the photo?
For example, open one of your galleries, look at a photo and click a keyword below the photo to get the keyword gallery of other photos. Do you really want visitors to your site landing at that keyword gallery instead of the real gallery? And the same story for date range galleries, RSS feed links, etc.
In your example, do you want people who are trying to find your photos to land here (where only one photo is visible and people may leave after seeing that one photo):
or here, where they can easily see other photos in the same gallery and possible select and purchase a different photo in the same gallery:
The robots.txt file is not blocking access to that photo, it's blocking that specific URL to the photo in the keyword gallery. That will then allow Google to have nice clean links to your photo in its actual gallery in their index. That's what people would then find when doing a Google search.