#69 - first ideas help please!

this one hasn't been easy. it took me until a couple of days ago to just be able to think on an idea. here's that idea: my daily commute.
i usually don't do people well. or rather, shooting people is not one of me default settings; but then, once i start, i tend to 'fall in love' with all of them, i find beauty in every single face and i get overly attached to the images of strangers.
hence the plea for help. please tell me if there's any merit or if i'm letting the feelings stated above color my judgement.
as always, thanks in advance for looking and for your invaluable input.


i usually don't do people well. or rather, shooting people is not one of me default settings; but then, once i start, i tend to 'fall in love' with all of them, i find beauty in every single face and i get overly attached to the images of strangers.
hence the plea for help. please tell me if there's any merit or if i'm letting the feelings stated above color my judgement.
as always, thanks in advance for looking and for your invaluable input.



- Diana
- Diana
as suggested, here's b/w version of #1. and a pretty interesting looking sewing machine i ran into last night; the lighting wasn't optimal, and i'm not sure i'd be able to re-shoot, but i just thought it was great.
the sun is shinning so i'll probably go out and try to find inspiration outside.
#1 B/W
- Diana
I'm a fan of candid real-life shots like your first three. The b& w conversion works better than the original for me, but the subject matter feels to busy and I have trouble landing on any specific part of the image.
What I really like in the first two are what's going on in the windows. In the first one, I love the reflection of the sleeping man. If your original file's big enough to do a close crop, you might experiment with the cropping in the the lower left quadrant. There's also little of interest in the top half of the frame, so there may be several crops that would focus the subject better.
The second one has a fascinating diagonal line from the man in the bottom center to the man behind him with earphones to the woman outside. Again, there's opportunity to experiment with a crop that would emphasize this implied line.
The cool thing for me in the third one is the juxtoposition of the arched pattern on the floor with the straight parallels of the overhead lighting. Try out a crop that removes the bottom quarter of the image.
Hey... I'm not any kind of expert, here. Just sharing my musings about what I might try if these were my images. They're all really quite good as they are, too. Just exercising my "what if" genes....
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
that's exactly what i'm lacking, that "what if" mentality, I will play with different crops.
(by the way, the stuff happening in the windows was why i chose those 2 to concentrate on, i just love the reflection of the sleeping man (he kinda looks like Harry Potter), and the woman standing on the platform, staring out into the distance)
- Diana
I also favor #3. While the other two are interesting, this seems like a stronger entry, but please take this with a large grain of salt as I am no expert.
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