Ontario, Canada photo law pocket card

I am looking for a simple flyer/brochure I can print out and place into my camera bag that explains Canadian laws regarding Photography laws for people that want to try claiming I am breaking the law.
I have been able to find one for American law which is similar, but not good enough for me.
American brochure
I am trying to find one for Canadian law, specifically Ontario since I know Quebec has some differences in the laws.
The best source I have found to plainly describe how Canadian law relates to photography has been on Ambientlight.ca
Canadian laws
So unless I am missing something from that site or elsewhere I guess I have to make my own little mini brochure to educate these people that are claiming I am criminal.
I have been able to find one for American law which is similar, but not good enough for me.
American brochure
I am trying to find one for Canadian law, specifically Ontario since I know Quebec has some differences in the laws.
The best source I have found to plainly describe how Canadian law relates to photography has been on Ambientlight.ca
Canadian laws
So unless I am missing something from that site or elsewhere I guess I have to make my own little mini brochure to educate these people that are claiming I am criminal.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
It works great. Typically, since getting this info I have only had a couple of morons try it on with me where before I had heaps. I have well past my tolerance with interfereing do godders, bleeding hearts and busy bodies trying to make themselves look important and knowledgeable. I put them in their place real quick and with minimal politeness now.
Just knowing your rights is good protection. A guy I had try it on with me after I got the sheets printed didn't have a clue and when I started laughing at him and his made up laws and told him as much. I gave him a copy of the info I had and told him I was perfectly within my rights and the law. He said he didn't believe me and he went off to complain to the cops etc and I never saw him again.
Knowing my rights was like having a giant can of idiot repellant.
People always think that what they feel is right and is a law but almost without exception don't have the first clue. Here in the United states of Australia, people cite laws regarding privacy, child protection etc that they heard on some trash US TV show but don't realise we have no such laws here.
Of course the next thing is to roll out the old " I'll sue you" Crock of Chit they think gives them an authourity and appearance of intelligence they simply don't possess.
Good luck with that.
Here in Oz any lawyer that would even listen to such a frivilous case would be sticking their hand out for $5K before they even wrote a letter to the other party.
If the twits are particularly persistant, once you explain the law and highlight their ignorance, teh next come back will be " Well I don't care."
Well guess what Einstien, I don't care either, particularly that you want to get your knickers in a knot so go away and leave me alone or -I- will call the cops and have you charged for coersion and assault.
From there they will continue to make a lot of noise to save face but go away.
I have had a security gaurd want to over indulge their virtually non existant powers and I have remeinded them that they actualy have no powers or authourity to move me on from doing something lawful or to touch me and I am not going to comply with their request so best they go get the cops because they are the only ones that have any powers in the matter.
Last time I said that to a plod wannabe I was still there taking pics 2 days later and didn't see a cop the whole time.
If you can't find a pre written document, write your own and cite the actual acts and points of law you are refering to so if need be, they can be verified.
sorry you'll have to wade thru them to find exactly what you are looking...hopefully it is there.
I have read that site, also one from Kages (I think) from America. but no such thing seems to exist for Canada.
These ladies don't seem to care about the law and they have some idiot at the school board trying to say taking pictures of children is illegal. So they feel they are right because of the school board.
People here like citing the privacy act. Problem is Canadian privacy act only relates to how the government gathers and used information. So no application to me.
I guess they hear privacy and think that means their privacy is protected no matter how public an avenue or event they are attending.
I have been the security guard before here. Things may be a little different in Canada. Basically in Canada a security guard can ask you to stop taking pictures if you are on private property, or they can ask you to leave the property. If you refuse they can even arrest you for trespassing here.
Although in my experience no store manager would want the hassle of an arrest over photos.
That is precisely what I think I will need to do.
I have tried the search before posting this. Been awhile since I looked at those links but I think I found ambient light through them which has been my primary source for Canadian law information.
Overall been a couple very stressful annoying days regarding this.
Art, i will be using Ambientlight.ca as the source for most of my information in the pamphlet I will be writing to have on me next time some overbearing mother tries to tell me taking pictures is illegal.
the very first link in the sticky's photog's rights section (photosecrets) has a link to Canadian laws on the first page.
putting that sticky together is just one of the many services we mods do for our members
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Yeah that links to ambientlight.ca which is an amazing source for Canadian photography laws.
Unfortunately we do not have a simple pamphlet/brochure written by a lawyer explaining things like you Americans have access to. To looks like I will be writing my own.
I could really use some feedback on this brochure I am working on.
First draft:
Second draft, which I am much happier with:
Also if there is a way to add a PDF file to my smugmug site I would like that.
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Very similar to our laws only are couple are the complete opposite!
I'm sure you will get the inevitable nitpickers wanting to dispute points with one in a million, never actually occoured in real life theroys but, ya know, that's always going to happen and dosen't take away from teh great job you have done with this.
Hope it works well for you and the other shooters in your land as a pest repellant.