ZenDesk working? Did my help request get through?
I just sent a help request through to help@smugmug.com, about 30 minutes ago, but didn't get the usual instant acknowledgement email that I'm used to.
The subject of my email was:
Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
because I was forwarding a bounce notification that I got from a colleague to whom I had sent a SmugMug "Share Invitation" email.
I sent it from the email address associated with this Dgrin account, which I would be happy to also PM to a Sorcerer if it's not handy from my profile.
Did my help request go through? Do I need to resend it with a different subject? Or is ZenDesk having issues right now? Wasn't sure where to put this, as I usually go through the help desk, so if I should follow up there, please let me know. Thanks gals/guys.
The subject of my email was:
Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
because I was forwarding a bounce notification that I got from a colleague to whom I had sent a SmugMug "Share Invitation" email.
I sent it from the email address associated with this Dgrin account, which I would be happy to also PM to a Sorcerer if it's not handy from my profile.
Did my help request go through? Do I need to resend it with a different subject? Or is ZenDesk having issues right now? Wasn't sure where to put this, as I usually go through the help desk, so if I should follow up there, please let me know. Thanks gals/guys.
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Thank you, John. That is a great idea. I will do that.
Sorcerers: I hope I'm not causing any duplication of efforts/tickets by doing this. If so, please let me know where I should hang my hat, on Dgrin, or via the "regular" helpdesk, or somewhere else.
OK-I got an acknowledgement from the help desk this time. Thanks so much for the good suggestion! I think that the subject line of my previous email (which was "Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender") might have looked like spam or a normal bounce message to ZenDesk or something.
In any case, I hope this helps someone else.
EDIT: A couple of hours later, I got an acknowledgement email from the first email I sent to help@smugmug.com. Not sure what happened. It was post-dated by an hour, as well (i.e. it was dated an hour later than the time I received it, which itself was about 3 hours after I sent the original email). Heros, I'm sorry for the duplication of tickets.
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