Aperture running really slow?

fullofpaintfullofpaint Registered Users Posts: 103 Major grins
edited February 11, 2011 in Finishing School
So lately Aperture is unbelievable slow for me and seems to crash/freeze all the time. It freezes if I try to send a file to photoshop for editing, gets stuck on "updating library" when trying to close, etc.

I've heard Aperture gets really sluggish when you get over 10,000 photos, would moving my older photos out of the Aperture library speed things up?
Canon 5DMk2, Canon 40D
16-35 2.8L, 70-200 2.8L, 24-105 4.0L


  • aquaticvideographeraquaticvideographer Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2011
    What version are you using, and what kind of Mac?

    Is everything up-to-date?

    I've posted this here before, but I found that disabled Flash-as crazy as it sounds-greatly sped up my Aperture experience. You can read about it, and how to do it, here:

    http://daringfireball.net/2010/11/flash_free_and_cheating_with_google_chrome thumb.gif
  • fullofpaintfullofpaint Registered Users Posts: 103 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2011
    Aperture 3.1.1 running on a 2.5 Core 2 Duo MPB with 2 GB's of RAM

    I'll have to try the flash bit out later tonight and see how that works.
    Canon 5DMk2, Canon 40D
    16-35 2.8L, 70-200 2.8L, 24-105 4.0L
  • aquaticvideographeraquaticvideographer Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2011
    Hmm...My MBP C2D sped up a bit (especially Aperture) when I added 2GB of RAM for a total of 4GB. You might consider trying that as well. RAM is cheap nowadays and it's easy to replace on an older MBP.
  • fullofpaintfullofpaint Registered Users Posts: 103 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2011
    Yea I've been holding off on that mainly because I'm planning on upgrading over the summer, but its getting so slow I may just bite the bullet and throw some more RAM in.
    Canon 5DMk2, Canon 40D
    16-35 2.8L, 70-200 2.8L, 24-105 4.0L
  • aquaticvideographeraquaticvideographer Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited February 8, 2011
    Something else to consider: Aperture sped wayyyy up for me when I started storing images as referenced on a small SSD I put in my ExpressCard slot. Which makes me think that a rig with an SSD for its primary storage would be even faster. I hear the new MacBook Airs are outrageously fast. I think my next Mac is going to have an SSD, even if it means saving up for a little longer to buy it. :D
  • marchymanmarchyman Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited February 11, 2011
    Aperture 3.1.1 running on a 2.5 Core 2 Duo MPB with 2 GB's of RAM

    It's not the number of photos, its the amount of memory. 2 GB is borderline for aperture. You might be able to get by if you close other applications (Safari, for example, can use a lot of memory) and if you haven't already turn off faces.
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